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Once a measly beanpole of a boy, and developing only a little more basic muscle as an adolescent, Nick was startled now to find he was staring at a bulging, meaty bicep that actually belonged to him. Veins popped and muscles he didn’t even know he had shifted involuntarily beneath the skin as he turned his limb around to admire its every inch in wide-eyed shock. And he hadn’t even flexed yet; when he did, clenching his fingers and tensing each fibrous muscle fiber, the bicep swelled like a bowling ball. This looked like the arm of someone who’d been training his whole life for the world championship shot-put, not an unremarkable young man whose arm usually barely changed shape at all when he flexed his hardest. It was absolutely mammoth. Instinctively Nick wanted to test out his strength, pressing a fist against the wall and stopping himself just short of punching straight through it, though he was fairly certain he could if he wanted.

Gazing at all four of his limbs now, both monstrous arms and two iron-wrought legs that lofted seven-feet-tall apiece, Nick impatiently explored the rest of his body. His pecs puffed up hardy as leather; his abdomen rippled with a washboard six-pack; even his glutes had advanced to impressive girth. Saving probably the best for last, Nick checked inside the constricting pants barely clinging to his enlarged thighs, and between his legs discovered his cock, not even remotely erect, was somehow hung like a salami. He gripped it in his fist, tingling with anticipatory delight at the thought of what he could do with such an instrument now, and just at the mere thought of Beth and Hayley, his member started going firm in his hand.

That idea of the two women quickly turned to a need. He just had to show this to Beth and Hayley. Given that, even as a runt, his crush had expressed a taunting possibility of intimacy, while her mother had straight-up advertised her desire to fuck him if it wasn’t for the risk of being compacted under her, he could only imagine how they’d react now to this bizarre miracle. With any luck, they’d feel the same necessity as him. As though guided by a force of nature, or perhaps even because he himself was now that very force of nature, Nick hunched down and bear-crawled through the bedroom door into the hallway. Animal lust was his compass now. There was no time to spend overthinking or rationalizing like he usually did in his old body. He only needed to reach them, and his new titanic shape would do the rest.

With almost triple-length legs and the corresponding athleticism, Nick reached Hayley and Beth’s house in record time without breaking a sweat. The place looked pretty massive yesterday, practically a mansion, which made sense now that he knew at least one of the ladies who lived there needed such superhuman room to operate. Now, however, from his enlarged perspective, the residence looked fairly normal, the kind of place a fellow fourteen-foot-tall lover could really settle in. Confident as ever, and never looking back again, Nick marched up the walkway and knocked hard on the door.

Just as he pressed the doorbell for good measure, then, Nick experienced an electric pulse crackle through his veins, much like what he felt in the presence of Hayley and her mother, only amplified a hundredfold. He felt the stretch of his bones, the strain of his clothing around his hulking frame, and the swell of muscle fibers evolving him into even more of a chiseled beast. Before his very eyes, the family’s front door, already rather squatty compared to his immense new fourteen-foot stature, appeared to dwindle even lower as the young man shot up another two-foot growth spurt, making him sixteen feet in total. Though he was on roughly equal footing with Beth before, even she, the tallest woman he’d ever seen or could even imagine existing, would stand below him now. The thought alone made his well-endowed hardware tent in his already-tight pants.

Breath held, Nick heard footsteps on the other side of the door. He expected the way to open to reveal Hayley, who at six-foot-six would look pretty petite to him now, almost ten feet shorter than him, which would mean the girl who once seemed like an amazon to Nick wouldn’t even reach his waist in height. Finally he would be the big one looking down, and it was going to be oh-so sweet, for both of them. Tingling with expectation, he could hardly wait to savor her reaction to his overnight transformation, the fact that a guy whose personality she actually liked now inhabited a body she would adore. The only question was how long they would last after seeing one another from these altered perspectives, one lower and one higher, before they simply jumped into a tangle and fucked each other silly right here on the porch. The knob turned, and Nick watched as not Hayley, but her gorgeous titaness of a mother, opened the door instead.

While yesterday Nick had stood in a stupefied trance at the surprise discovery of the beautiful mega-MILF on the other side of the door, now it was Beth’s turn to bask in shock. She ducked through the frame and stood at her full height, but sure enough, she was still two feet shorter than Nick, which meant she was staring at his buffed chest even from her high vantage. Eyes wide with pupils rapidly dilating, her mouth agape and beautiful countenance flushed, the blonde giantess looked up, for the first time ever, at another person. When she met Nick’s eyes, she swallowed hard, and began to breathe heavier, like she’d received an adrenaline spike from a single glance up the span of his astronomic, bulging, sixteen-foot stature.

“Oh… my…” Beth gasped, a hand over her heart. In the process, her gorgeous rack wobbled again, turning rosy as her cheeks. “Nick, is… is that you? You’ve… changed a quite a bit since I last saw you.”

“You could say that,” Nick smiled, now suffused with the confidence he never had as a five-foot-six shrimp. While not exactly posturing, the young man wasn’t shy either about planting his fists on his hips and flexing in a rippling wave from shoulder to ankle, letting every beefy hyper-charged bit of muscular geometry inflate and clench. He did so slowly enough that Beth could witness in detail every individual piece of his burly new anatomy demonstrating its raw iron strength, and indeed, he could see her eyes tracking each development.

The more Nick flexed, the greater effect he seemed to have over Beth, who was pulled, practically drooling, toward him now. There was no question that she was getting more turned on by the second, as Beth caressed the neckline of her cleavage in steady circles; her sigh turned into a lilting moan; through her blouse, the hardened shapes of her nipples rose beneath the fabric. The effect on her was amazing, and made him feel more powerful than ever, to know that someone so sexy, so gigantic and domineering herself as Beth, could too be swayed by his newly acquired gifts. Once Beth had seen the entire show, every divot and swollen crest on the man’s body, he saw her gaze linger below the belt upon his painfully obviously pants tent, which didn’t look so much like an erection as it did a fire pole Nick had hidden between his legs. Her body too had tensed, like a cougar readying to pounce.

When Beth looked up again, it was with a desperate sensual urgency that Nick recognized, even though it had never been directed toward him until today. She didn’t just need him; she hungered, achingly, deep inside. He looked back at her with the same savage lust, and before Nick knew it, the woman had pressed her generous hourglass figure against his, letting her firm pillowy tits and wide hips grind against his overgrown body, which even further tested his tearing clothes. Their hands met and fingers interlocked.

“So, are you just going to just stand there all day, big boy, or are you going to get in this house right this second and fuck me into next week?” Beth murmured.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he replied.


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