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Hovering at the edge of despair upon hearing this, now learning that his height was all that separated him from a chance to be with Hayley, Nick mentally reversed himself, his sadness becoming fiery determination. On one hand, creating a new personality to fit his friend’s desires would be impossible, but apparently Hayley already liked the person he was on the inside. The usual trashy dudes she went out with had no chance. However, if all he had to do was become taller, well… crazier things had happened before, right? Without saying another word, and chuckling right along with his leviathan crush, Nick vowed to himself then and there to grow into the man Hayley craved.

The next twenty-four hours, Nick was consumed with thoughts of how to inch his way up into an acceptable territory for Hayley’s suitor. On the walk to her house the next morning, though, he was startled to receive a text from his friend saying she wasn’t feeling well today, and that she’d love it if she could be a sweetie and bring her the homework assignments from school. A heart emoji capped off the message. Of course Nick could never refuse Hayley any request no matter how large, and this was certainly an easy one. He agreed right away. While he missed her on the route to school, and was lonelier than usual throughout the day, the solitude also gave Nick a chance to begin scheming and researching possible methods to increase his height, though almost nothing he found so far seemed legitimate, and those ways that did seem to work only guaranteed growth of an inch or two, which wasn’t enough. He’d just have to keep looking.

After school, with extra books and papers in hand, Nick set off for Hayley’s house to hand off the missed assignments. It was sort of a treat for Nick to be the one approaching his friend’s house instead of waiting for her to come out, as he hadn’t been over many times before, and had never even met anyone else in her family. Knocking on the door and ringing the bell for good measure, Nick patiently waited on the stoop. After a moment, he felt a rumble in the stone below his feet, the very ground trembling in concussive beats and going still for another second before repeating. The thumping and shuddering continued, such that Nick couldn’t help but wonder if there was a light earthquake aftershock rocking the county, but his curiosity was answered when the motion stopped and the knob twisted. When the front door opened and Nick looked up, though, he wasn’t staring into the face of his gargantuan bestie. Instead, he was staring at a thick, imposing, feminine bare leg which rose just above the jamb.

Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating, Nick blinked and looked back for a double-take. Sure enough, he was standing in front of a leg that was taller and very nearly bulkier alone than his entire body. Certainly he was smaller than Hayley, but not this much smaller: not so miniscule that just one of her limbs could outclass him like a living statue’s. Whoever this was made even Hayley look like a shrimp, and in far greater proportion than Nick was next to his six-foot-six friend. Gazing yet higher, his eyeline traced up the colossal voluptuous body to match a leg roughly seven feet tall by itself. His vision was blocked at least ten feet up, however, when he discovered a pair of the biggest, roundest, most alluringly swollen pair of tits he’d ever laid eyes on. Though wrapped under a tight blouse, the fabric did little to hide the impressive bulk of those breasts, which seemed to sway a little like Hayley’s even in the act of opening the front door. Nick never would’ve guessed he would meet a woman as tall as Hayley in real life, and yet here he’d found one more than double his friend’s size, taller than any man or woman that he could’ve conceived to exist before. Even less likely, she was under the same roof of all places. Who in the hell was this?

“Well, hey down there, little man,” the woman purred in a sultry greeting that nonetheless cast a booming echo across the lawn, given her incredible size. She raised a hand, wagging long elegant fingers at the comparatively bite-sized visitor below on her front porch. Before the lady even said another word, Nick already had a pretty good guess who it was based on her familiar yet matured voice, and the peek he got at the platinum-blonde’s lovely face under the doorframe. “You must be Nick. I’m Hayley’s mom, Beth.”

Dumbstruck, Nick let his mouth hang open and his eyes bug as Beth knelt down to get a fuller look at the visitor. Even while practically crouching, the woman of course still towered over him. It was uncanny how similar Hayley looked to her parent. The woman really was her daughter’s mother; though Beth obviously had been alive for longer, with a few freckles on her cheeks and laugh lines around her eyes, if anything those signs of approaching middle age acted as beauty marks on the giantess, clearly a creature aged like fine wine. And of course, while Beth bowed to fit partially under the door, Nick got his best view yet of that vast rack generously displayed in the low-cut window of her top, and of course the tight valley between. A flowery, intoxicating perfume seemed to waft out of that fleshy crevice.

“H-Hi!” he squeaked. It was all he could muster.

“Thank you so much for bringing my daughter her books. She really appreciates it, and so do I,” Beth said. She reached out, taking hold of the books clutched over Nick’s chest and plucking them with ease from his relatively meek grasp. In the process, her fingers grazed over his, lingering just a heartbeat longer than necessary, which sent a tide of goose bumps and a shiver up the young man’s spine. Though it was a large stack of homework reading material that had made Nick huff and puff just hiking back from the school, Beth cradled it all with one arm, pressing it into her left breast for support. The bulbous mass, like an over-inflated weather balloon, scarcely changed shape, even with the pressure of the textbooks squeezing from the side.

“You’re w-welcome,” he garbled. Nick’s eyes were no longer locked to Beth’s far above, but instead gazing dead-ahead with a thousand-yard furor into the twin globes of her glorious, plush, sun-kissed tits.


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