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Even though it does look complete I'm currently working through the scroll work on the side of the receiver block and handle. After then working out the reload mechanism so it operates and cocks properly then I will be able to publish it. As a few of you have asked if there will be a few for it to accept and eject fake cartridges, this is all down to how big a replica cartridge is and if the whole assembly can be 3D printed. I would love for this to work as it would be perfect but obviously I have a few hurdles to jump over first. 

Just to show you the detail, here is a close up of the scroll work I've done so far.

I will try and update more frequently as sometimes I get carried away this the model and think there's no point on giving updates until there's something worth shouting about. 

In preparation for the Proton Pack build I have ordered a full electronics kit from Heavy Props on eBay who makes a full light kit with sounds. I thought about coding it myself but when digging into what I would need to do, it was way over my head in terms of capability. I will dig out the link too it and post it next time as I am current contact with the guy and if he's going to make more.

As always, please leave comments and thoughts as I always want to know what you guys think and any suggestions you might have. 




Shotgun looks great , leviathan axe is amazing and one I was waiting for but after seeing that proton pack gotta admit super psyched for it !!


Thanks, its one I've wanted to do for a while but I didnt follow through at the time as I didnt hhave the skills to make it. But now, game on!