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A piece recommended to me via my Suggestion Box here on Patreon.

So this is a piece that's been in the making for quite some time, mostly due to me just trying to figure out the logistics of drawing such a massively pregnant belly; but after a lot of hard work, technical issues, perseverance, and cursing (erm, a lot of cursing, actually), here she is...

A massively pregnant Penny, at full-term, along with her friend Tandi (who by this point, is only 17 weeks into her pregnancy, so she still has a ways to go herself - but that'll be a different sequence for a later time).

Oh, and for the sake of character lore, I like to think that while on a beach trip with Penny and their friend, Tandi, Perry used a drone to take a picture of the two girls, to make something of a candid photograph; but as to how they were able to even get Penny onto the beach to begin with, well, that's anyone's guess and a mystery for the ages (and not at all because I haven't considered such a thing)!  =p

And before anyone asks, no, I have no idea how many babies Penny would even be pregnant with.  If anyone can help me to figure that out though, I'd actually be pretty grateful.  :)

For context, at this point, Penny would be somewhere between 7'5" and 7'8" tall (or roughly between 2.2606 and 2.3368 meters), due to her torso being elongated by her massive pregnancy (as briefly mentioned here ( link )).  In addition, Tandi herself is still around 5'5" tall (or 1.651 meters), and the light blue beach towel near the both of them should be around 5'8" (or 1.7272 meters) long.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the piece; and thanks ahead of time for everyone's patience.  =3

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




this feels familiar... oh yeah, i commissioned something similar before https://www.deviantart.com/satsumalord/art/Viola-and-Angel-A-Meeting-of-Giants-843943634


Oh yeah, I remember that piece; I think that was one of the first times I had really done a truly massive pregnancy before. Well, hopefully you still enjoy it, and I hope that you enjoy this piece too. =3


i do funny cause i remember when i asked for that one i had the belly ref as "Penny at full term"


Sweet mama they're simply titanic~!!


Well Penny sure is, I'll give you that much. =p Either way, I hope you enjoy the piece. :)


Glad to finally see this climax! Thanks for all the hard work you put into bringing us this beautiful piece. Now I'm just hoping Penny doesn't slim down too much after giving birth :P


If Terry was having a small army during her pregnancy, Penny is having an entire city.


Well, I think at the time, I figured that'd be about where Penny's full-term belly size would be; but after having to do more research on pregnancy for the rest of this sequence, that turned out to be wrong; so I apologize for that. ^_^; Regardless though, thanks for your continued support, and I hope that you're doing well. :)


Oh don't worry, Penny will definitely be pretty curvy post-pregnancy; though that likely won't be explored until sometime next year (since I'm kinda "Pennied-Out" right now). Anyway, thanks for the compliment and I hope that you're doing well. :)


Probably. They’ll need a small army of nanny’s to help take care of them