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Hey everyone, let's have a little heart to heart talk here. I'mma keep it short and sweet :>

Basically, I'll be taking a break from working this whole month of April. I hate to say it but I think burnout is actually catching up to me together with other IRL things. So far 2019 hasn't been that kind to me and it's making me work at a very slow and unacceptable pace.

That said, I'll be pausing my Patreon for a whole month so you guys won't be charged this May (hopefully you'll get an e-mail about it). My page will be paused this April 7.

I'll try to come up with something fresh for you guys when I come back. Thank you always for the support and understanding. <3             




Stan: You do what you need to keep doing what'cha doing.


Hope everything works out


Take all the time you need! We will miss you for sure but a happy and healthy you is much better!


We're here for when you return. Burnout is a real thing. Love ya Derpi!


Do you boo. Do you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Take ya time Derp ^_^

PhD Writing

Derpi do what's best for your wellness and take care!


Thanks for being upfront and honest with us! Hope everything goes well for you on your well deserved break.

Lance Castro

Take your time, we'll still be here 💙


Feel better, Derpi.


Have a great rest, and draw a smile, greetings!^^


I hope you feel better! Have a nice rest :)


Take care of yourself, mental health breaks are important!

long a nguyen

Thanks for all the work you do! Hope you get well soon

Kat Ma

Take care of yourself!


Self care is as important as boobs. You're awesome, take care of yourself.


I understand, enjoy your break and take care.

Dack Janiels

Well thats understandable man, hope you get the rest you need


Honestly, I wouldn't be upset if you charged for May as well. Self care is work, too.


Take your time derp. No worries on this. Get your rest and motivation back! I know how it feels. So don't fret and come back when you're on fire!


Thanks for letting us know. Let's hope you finish up with your real life issues without any worries. We'll be here XD


Thank you for the heads up and being considerate for pausing your Patreon subscription. Take your time to recharge! Enjoy your break. I hope your 2019 turns for the better. 😁


Your health, especially your mental health IMHO, is far more important. Take all the time you need. We'll be here patiently awaiting your return. Be well man, hope things start shaping up to be better for you soon!


Take a well deserved rest, we’ll be here when you return

Tony Silvey

No problem, take all the time you need! We all need a vacation every now and then, I hope things get better for you soon. Thanks for letting everyone know.


Enjoy your rest.


You've got to look after yourself first and foremost. Enjoy the break, we're not going anywhere.


Hope you have a nice rest!


Hope everything works out. Take care of yourself first and worry about your art 2nd.


no problem, see you in may :)


Derpixon, what I've found most remarkable about your patreon feed isn't the quality (which is excellent, goes without saying), but the pace at which you work. You are INCREDIBLY productive, releasing top-tier hand-drawn animations more frequently than most entire teams. Honestly, a break like this is overdue.


Take care of you :)


You da best Derp! Hell, I would be cool paying through April. Whatever your stresses, what your fans think shouldn’t be one because we all love the shit out of ya. Take a load off, take a cruise, battle evil pirates trying to take over the ship (or join em hehe.) Will cya in May! Can’t wait to see what treats you’ll be baking up for us =D

Jason Bill

Hey, all good! Following your work has been awesome over (wow, I guess years at this point...) time. Sounds like you could use a well deserved break. We'll be here when you get back, eagerly awaiting the return. By all means though, take the time you need!


I'm sorry to hear that things have been hard lately. Take all the time you need. I wish you the best!


Aw. Right when I sign up. No big deal, homie. Enjoy your break! Burnout is rough; it's always best to take some time and let your mind recuperate when fatigue sets in!


Sounds good, see you in a bit. I'm dealing with similar issues right now to, so know that we understand.


Thanks for the heads-up, have a good month.


No worries, be happy


Take as much time as you need. In fact, take two months if you need to. Hope everything gets better for you and thank you for everything.


Take all the time you need. Don't work yourself to death


Muh prawnnnnnnnn! But yah, better porn later than no more porn ever.