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I don't really know how Cacia feels about the images we shot during the camping trip around Mt. Hood in Oregon two summers ago.  I know she loves the video of us skinny dipping at Lost Lake (which I will be posting for BTS Patrons ($15) and above this week), but I remember at the time that Cacia was going through a lot of serious life issues at the time, and was far from usual self, both physically and emotionally.  

Other times before this when I had shot with Cacia, she had acted forlorn in front of the camera for brief moments, before cracking a huge laugh again.  When we were in the shooting around Mt. Hood though, aside from when we were in the water (water always seems to have a healing effect), there were no bursts of laughter, no smiles. She wasn't acting worried and distressed during these shoots, she just WAS.  I don't think she really likes seeing herself that way.  In choosing what to present to my patrons, I've tried to lean towards images where her expression was more blank than distraught, mostly because this is SUMMER and I want the summer shoots to be about JOY, but life doesn't always cooperate with us.  In some of the shots I can still feel just how dark a place she was in.  

Thankfully, Cacia has since rebounded in both body and mind, and last time I talked to Cacia a couple months ago she was enjoying the hell out of life, as is her usual way. Ultimately though, I might have learned more about her during this particular trip than any of our other road trips combined.

Cacia Zoo Elk Creek. Mt. Hood National Forest, OR. June 2015



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