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So, hello, yeah, a little update here. The comic has given me a little trouble, so i stoped for a bit. In the mean time i will color this shantae gif (link bellow)  wich will be on the rewards. This doesn't mean i'll drop the comic, i will finish it, but i'm struggling at the moment with that.

Did some other steches tho-

My apologies




Bien, ya te estaba por muerto xd


Really excited to see that Shantae hotness get colored tbh! Btw don't stress yourself man, have fun with it! Appreciate you checking in with us to let us know what's up, been a long couple weeks


No worries! These things happen. Take your time, man. Your art is more than worth waiting for.

Earl Armstrong

Looking forward to the comic dude especially if you take your time with it. With whats been shown you got something good on your hands so best not to rush, as always thank you for your hard work.