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Hi!! Updated version of the Roster Pack. All my Dragon Ball characters are here.

The pack doesn't include all the characters in the video, just the characters made by me, not the ones made by other authors or edited from otehr authors.

I leave here the relation of mods included in the pack, so you could know if you want to download it or not.




Tribute to Toriyama Sensei. Complete Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Roster

Hi. This week we lost the creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama. As a tribute to his creation, I decided to release a new updated video roster. This is a Xenoverse 2 modded roster, reshaded using Ultimate Color Reshade by andealvan. Also, I applied the Smooth Shaders mod by o0DemonBoy0o. This video contains almost all characters in the Dragon Ball Universe with some new characters and more from fanmangas, etc. You can take it as a catalog of Dragon Ball mixed with Naruto and One Piece characters. The video is too long, so maybe you should watch it with 2x high speed. I hope you like the video, I really worked hard on it. Here is a guide to make the video less boring. - 00:00​ Classic Dragon Ball - 03:02 Saiyan Saga - 06:02 Namek Saga - 08:13 Cell Saga - 11:07 Broly DBZ OVA - 11:42 Buu Saga - 16:05 Super - 20:45 Frieza Returns and Broly - 21:45 Galactic Patrol Saga and Granola Arc - 22:49 Super Hero Movie - 23:23 Zamasu Saga and Gods of the Multiverse - 24:50​ Tournament of Power with some invited characters - 26:40​ DB Heroes, DB Xenoverse and DB Online - 30:16 DB GT Universe and Baby Saga - 34:26​ Evil Dragons (GT and AF) and DBGT Special - 35:09 Episode of Bardock OVA - 36:39 DBZ Movies - 39:18 Toriyama characters, Doujinshi Characters and FanArt Characters - 42:43 Saint Seiya, Slayers and Seven Deadly Sins Packs - 43:31​ Naruto Pack Updated - 46:20​ One Piece Pack Updated - 55:11 Sonic the Hedhegog Pack Updated - 56:12 Stages Thanks to Eternity for the awesome tools he created and Credits to Agwang, Aku, Amarazu, Arkano, Azura, Black Swagtsu, Brandalf, Leon Exodio, CaliKingz01, CuiPuiPui, OniFox, Chris TB, Dalems, Curtis, Dallience, DarkChr, Deadenvy, Dexio, Diego4fun, Falcon, Feraz, Garo, YYako, Draconis, LegrandCissar, Eternity, Exromand, ItzSenzu, IMEDZ, Jack Ceck, Johny7mods, JWP, Jun-brian, Keku, Lakon, Legendary Agwang, Libra_no_Alexander, MaskoX, Majestic, Mastaklo, Miangoco, Milky, Nephilim, Nitro, Nixxon, Noobmodder, OblivionArt, Opetura, Re:try, Sam_is_in!, SKB95, Solnegro, Somemodder94, Stealter, TGFB, UchihaTaka, Vash, Vestaxx, Zagor_Clark, Zitro and some others authors that I could have missed Every mod in this video is edited and reshaded. I won’t provide a link for the entire roster because I haven't made most of these characters, but the ones I've made are part of these three packs: Naruto Pack. - https://www.mediafire.com/file/7kijszth2eh0dqy/Naruto_Pack.rar/file Sonic Pack - https://www.mediafire.com/file/86w3brlurufrpxb/Sonic+Pack+Updated.rar/file Biglia Mods Pack - https://www.mediafire.com/file/i7ir9u5ifqvjr62/Biglia_Mods_Pack_Updated.zip/file Xeno Warriors Channel: - https://discord.gg/jKNWJEN If you want to get some of the remaining One Piece mods before their public release, you can support me in my patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/BigliaMods Or you can contact me in discord (#1558​ Leobiglia) Link to the DB Shaders mod by o0DemonBoy0o: -https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/dbs-cel-shaders-type-2/ Amazing modders: Mastaklo: - https://www.youtube.com/user/mastaklo Solnegro: - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMfoANDE4I_LIlamXC4Yig MaskoX: - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6wzPluL9egFBu7ayfgHApQ Falcon: - https://www.youtube.com/c/FalconMods


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