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Hello everyone and welcome to another in the line of (brief) progress reports.

Ivy's intro has gotten more love this week, with the core animation for all involved characters resolved. This means future sitdowns will be for lip sync and some lighting fixes, as well as seeing what else can be squeezed into the scene before it either carries on through or explodes. The actual sex scenes will follow on this, with the last one probably being the most time consuming, though with the excellent voice work I've got on my hands I really want to do it all justice. Thank you for your patience with this project folks, I know a lot of you are keen on seeing it finished, so I'll be sure to keep reporting as I make steady progress so as to at least keep you in the loop.

Got some more model work sorted as well, though the holiday season is ramping up with all its demands. In the meantime, the Alley Crew has determined we're going to be treated to a Liara T'Soni special for Christmas, so that'll be the Scenario for this month. Been a while since I saw my favorite blue lady in action, so I'm looking forward to getting to work on it this weekend :)

Going to keep this short, as often requested, so thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. I don't really need an excuse to stay indoors and sip warm coffee, but the cold outside does lend some kind of additional excuse to the matter, like I'm forever haunted by my childhood's outdoor demands in exchange for computer time. No memory ghost that another sip of coffee cannot chase away though, at the end of the day. Hope you're doing alright out there folks, wherever you are.

Take care of yourselves, and each other.




damn Cassandra is fire and Ivy is huge as always