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Here's hoping for a better Year!  For me, it was kind of a blur. Had its peaks and valleys but in the end, I did well. I know I can't speak for many though, it was rough for many others.
So I am wishing the mess of last year doesn't seep into this year too long. I long for days to be normal. 2019, I wanted to appreciate things more, from my loved ones and the small things. Some big choices fell through early in the year. But I am ready to try again this year.
2020, took away some of the things I took for granted, but it enhanced my appreciation in other aspects.

Hell, I can't forget you all though too. So crazy. Through your support, I didn't lose any motivation for my work. Financially too, that was a load I didn't worry about. And most of my commissioners are pledgers too so I can't thank you all enough. I can say thank you for a 1000x and It wouldn't be sufficient. 

I will be updating all the rewards. You should be getting PMs soon!

Look forward to Draw requests soon too!

Again, Happy New Year!

Best regards,




Thanks for the PM. I love your art and Happy New Year to you also.


Don't know about anyone else, but I'm in Los Angeles, where the even more infectious version of the virus has hit. The county morgue is up to six(?) freezer trucks, and the mortuaries are turning away "new customers". 1-in-3 people who've been tested are infected and there have been 1-in-8 (that's 1 million out of a county-wide population of 8 million) documented infections. I see entire families wandering around without masks. .Politically and pandemically, 2021 is starting out even sh*ttier than 2020. I did not think that was possible. Let's see how 20 Jan and beyond goes. I'll say though, Andava, your art and comics have been one of the sorely needed bright spots in the past year. Every month—sometimes weekly—I've had your amazing art to look forward to. So, thank you so very much! Can't wait to see what you bring us going forward. Keep up the great work and stay safe!