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I don't even know how this happened, but I just felt like drawing something cute XD

so here we go... (I was watching Lady and the Tramp and ALADIN while drawing this XD)

also I wanna do more quick coloured comics so this is another test... drawing comics  already always takes a lot of time but doing them on colour >.< hardly possible (especially when you are like me and concentrate on just ONE comic, but wanna do at least 2 at once ^^°) so I'm trying my hand on easier ways - tell me what you think about this one :D and its style ^^

these kinda linearts are what I usually draw BEFORE doing the outlines... all crimeomens comics look like that before I'm outlining them properly... which gives a lot cleaner lines, but it takes double the time ...

(also I have no idea where this is going XD... I might add more comics when I feel like it but I also might not XD)



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