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I feel Like this Story looses some people because its hard to follow and has a Lot of filler. Honestly i dont even know what its about anymore.

Oss Ickle

Dokturhund, I think you need to be patient. This story is unfolding. Dynamoob is an artist. We're supporting him, give him trust, he's earned it. You can tell from those last couple of panels that he's headed somewhere.

William Jennings

I don't think the story is hard to follow, I think it's just long with big gaps between installments. The story itself is pretty straightforward: Three friends with limited luck with women decide to chip in for a sketchy and poorly understood muscle supplement. One of the friends has a girlfriend they're on the rocks with, one's vaguely misogynistic, and one's a closet pervert. They ignore the directions and split a massive dose between them. The next morning misogynist and boyfriend wake up as musclebound hulks, while pervert wakes up highly feminized. Everyone still seems to be in the throes of their transformations. Boyfriend and misogynist go to the gym to work out and try out their new physiques, pervert stays home and tries to figure out what's going on and masturbates. After a few hours at the gym, boyfriend decides to go home and check on pervert, while misogynist sticks around and gets chatted up by hot chicks. More hijinks to ensue.


Im Not saying i dont Trust Dynamoob. Im Just trying to find reasons why this Story might Not be as popular. You know Feedback and such. Im still Happy with everything i get.