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Early access sneaky peekers at the next Burrito and Puck short...

Also some goodies from my private stash: (SPOILER WARNING for Breaking Bad)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt4wL07o6y0 (Anc Man)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFFsy77J-Lk (Gritty Truths)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfVijIIsBOQ (Hank takes a big dumper) SPOILERS


PATREON_Burrito Influencer

First half sneak peekers at the next incredibly dumb Burrito short


Cushion Sapp

Is that zombie at 0:58 supposed to be a reference to Malik Sanchez, the IRL streamer who went around making offensive comments to people and pepper spray those who reacted to those comments in anger?


is that their stage name? I got the audio from an older MoistCritical video where he was talking about this guy "Johnny" who would film himself harassing girls for his youtube

Gitsune G

The saddest ending ever... *Crying in blood*