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Rowena is up to something sneaky while Heaven gets a fresh coat of actually-somewhat-interesting intrigue!


Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/938435052/0f91618835

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/QO_FZQhf7LY

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SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 13x19 - REACTION HIGHLIGHTS [re-up]


Nicola O'Neill

Congrats on quitting Greg. The first couple of weeks were a bit of a rollercoaster for me but you're disciplined and it passes quick. You'll be great.


Yes - you are correct. That is Amanda Tapping from SG1 (and several spin offs). She has an impressive resume as both an actor and a director, including directing 4 SPN episodes. Not my favorite episodes if I'm honest, but I have liked other shows she has done. I like this episode in general, but I am weary of the show being too explicit with the message, or perhaps it's that they have lost faith in the audiences ability to understand what points they are trying to get across. I mean, I could see the latter playing into things a bit because of all the subtext meta this fandom likes to peddle as actual intent. Don't get me wrong - it's fun and all and people have the right to interpret as they see it. But in the late seasons we are getting anvils dropped on our head and it's taking away from the integrity of the characters IMHO. For instance, having an actual conversation where the most powerful female witch in the world needs validation from two men that she's worthy of redemption is just...IDK...? Inauthentic? Maybe that's just me though. Greg - congratulations on your decision! I was a smoker for 30 years...all the cool Gen X kids were doing it, and I was one of them...lol. You're 100% correct though - you have to be ready to be successful. One day I just decided after being ready for months. Hubby let me sleep as much as I wanted for a couple of days so I fasted as well and let my body reset. There were still a few hard days, but it was truly mind over matter at that point. The habitual part was actually harder than the physical withdraw (which only lasts a few days). It's been almost 3 years since I've quit.