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Hey everyone !

As we approach the release date of yet a new update, there are multiple things that I need to cover. This release will be peculiar and as such I want to explain some stuff before it actually happen.
The first thing which might be the most important is that this update will release on the same date for the public and the patreons. It is a special case and this won't be the case for further updates. I can't explain why right now but there is a good reason for such a breach in the patreon priviledges that you'll probably understand once you play through the update.

This update will also be a standalone chapter, which means it will be its own game so you won't need your saves to play it. (keep them, though)
For spoiler reasons I can't explain to you why such a format but I promise everything will become clearer in due time.

I think I'll definitely be done for the date I previously announced, though I'm not sure if i'll be able to include everything I want in the update. Some stuff might actually not make it but it won't bring down the overall quality of my work. I just hope you don't mind a bit of craziness.

Like always, as we draw near to an update I have less and less to share so we'll have to stop there for this week.
As usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


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