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Hey friends, 

Here's a new episode of Geek History Lesson about one of my favorite superteams, the Justice Society of America! I sure hope you enjoy it, but I also wanted to pass on some good news!

Geek History Lesson is available on a whole bunch of new services for your listening ease!


Google Play ► https://goo.gl/gpp71L

Pocketcasts ► http://pca.st/YbLH

PlayerFM ► https://player.fm/series/geek-history-lesson

So get on over there and listen to GHL on all these new players! Tell me which one you like the most! Cheers!


GHL Ep 134 - Justice Society of America by Geek History Lesson

Before the Justice League, there was a team known as the Justice Society of America or the JSA. These heroes fought Hitler and soon we will see them onscreen in the second season of Legends of Tomorrow. Buckle your bootstraps for a retelling of their epic history!


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