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Hello all and sorry for the delay in getting this little update out for you, but here it is all the same. Releases for this month are as follows (or this is the plan anyway, things might change and I'll let you know if it does):

Interstellar Reincarnation Ch. 12 is out now for $5 patrons so feel free to check that out.

Futa Note Ch. 95 drops October 13th (though it's not a spooky one)

Now this is where things could change; Interstellar Reincarnation chapter 13 might come out on the 20th, however that's assuming I don't get the Halloween one-shot I've got planned. It's an Alien-inspired tale and, if it goes as I'm hoping, a little different to what I normally do. Wanna try adding some level of spookiness and horror to it if possible, while still balancing the erotic side of things. Assuming it doesn't do what most one-shots do and just goes off the rails, it'll come out on the 20th (maybe the 27th), but there's a chance it'll have to come out in the first week of November. Won't be too late at least and it's high time Halloween encroaches on Christmas/Thanksgiving time.

So yeah, Interstellar Reincarnation Ch. 13 or spoopy one-shot after Futa Note, but we'll see. If Interstellar Ch. 13 drops for $7.50+ patrons in the next few days or so, then it's safe to assume the one-shot will be next month. Probably along with the voter story as well. Splitting my time between writing, playing, catching up on shows and dealing with a bossy husky did some damage to the routine. Should get back into it soon enough though.

As for why a husky was part of that disruption, I was dog-sitting for my partner's mom and that meant mostly being away from my computer. Typing on my phone isn't the most pleasant, so I figured I'd hold off until I'm reunited with my beloved keyboard. It wasn't too bad, though with one of them being a young husky, there were... challenges.

Anyway, Spider-Man 2 comes out this month so when that drops, I'm gonna probably disappear while I marathon that - it's the only sure-fire way to avoid spoilers, beyond... y'know? Removing ears and eyes... probably nose too, I can all but smell the spoilers at this point. Or maybe that's the husky?

Either way, I'll see you beautiful perverts another day. 



when will slime balls be releasing for other tiers?