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  • [Updated 04/22/2024] The entire mesh has been reworked to remove the square shapes and round the corners. No more squares, welcome to curves.

Hello Simmers!

If you bought the latest Sims™ 4 Party Essentials Kit you are probably still wondering which intern had the brilliant idea of creating a lemonade stand "Cups 'n Straws Station" that serves absolutely no purpose!

So I encourage you if you have Spa Day and Backyard Stuff to download my modifications which will now make this stand functional. Nothing better in this season of rising temperatures than preparing for summer with a good lemonade.


Buy Mode > Appliances > Small Appliance

Price: 60

12 Reworked Colors

Reworked Mesh by Serinion

Game requirements:

Works with patch or higher to use these

Game Packs Required:  The Sims™ 4 Party Essentials Kit, Spa Day and Backyard Stuff

No conflict detected

Additional Credits:

Sims 4 Studio

EA/Maxis for the original textures. 

Did you know?

Whether you are a patron or not, all the visuals of the Studio's objects are available on Pinterest without hidden images.

Feel free to follow my current creative projects on Instagram and check them out regularly.

You can also contact me and chat with me on these two media.






Thank you for this. EA and its sim teams are complete idiots. There's no other way to put it. Just simply purely greedy and are idiots.