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I know this one is weird for some people. But it shows the power of the OTP bcs I was not into the idea before. And I know it's usually Geralt with the scent kink bcs Witcher senses yada yada but the idea of Jaskier not being able to take his eyes off of Geralt when he gets out of his leathers after a long warm day... He is blushing and trying to not be too obvious, his nostrils twitching trying to get a hint of the scent. Geralt knowing exactly what the bard wants but he lets him squirm, he has to come on his own and find out that he does not need to be ashamed. When he finally does he can't get enough of the salt on Geralts skin. He does not last long but Geralt lifts him up on his cock and gives him a good workout while Jaskier has his face tucked into Geralts neck, inhaling the smell of leather, horse and sweat. And Geralt.

Sorry for the horny ramble. I wish I had the time to write a fic bcs it stirred something in me XD Also, there is a lot of half clothed prompts this year? Don't ask me why but I've enjoyed drawing clothes this year.

I am really happy with geralts face in this one. And I wanted to write "I love when he smirks and is cocksure" but then I also love when he's blushing and insecure. I think it's just me loving this fictional man in general XD

I hope you're doing well, I had an idea for a side prompt today (it's interview with the vampire related) so we will see if I can make that work. 

Take care and stay safe!




Ngl, I kind of love half-clothed scenes. There’s simmering so, idk, urgent and feral about them not waiting around to get undressed before boning down. I’m into it 🥵


This is literally YES. I so agree! And this is very beautiful! I adore so much the idea and feelings behind the kinks, whatever it is (but especially something about the adoration of the body), because it's always much deeper than it seems, if you just think about it little bit more. Thank you so much for that little hot piece 😍