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Finishing up rendering Psylocke's animation set at the moment. Will post it tomorrow.

Going to start this poll a little early, just so I can start working on the next project after the superhero sets are done.

Including some pics for those who don't know the characters.
Please keep in mind that for some characters, I won't be able to replicate the face/look/outfit exactly as is. My skills are pretty limited, but I'll try my best.
The body proportions will also be more exaggerated. You know me. 

Feel free to google more reference pics if you want.

Parasoul shouldn't be too hard to make. Her outfit is quite simple.
I have Bullet's outfit already setup. I got it from doa5's dlc. The biggest problem is the hair, but I'll figure something out.
AK-12's outfit will be pretty hard to replicate, I am going to have to take a lot of liberties with her. Maybe even have her be mostly nude.
Honoka's Kirin armor is partially done, the materials aren't setup properly, but you can get the general idea. I'll change her eye and skin color too a little bit.
Geese's outfit will be something in-between the two pics.

Multiple votes per person are allowed. Poll will be up until next tuesday.




Bullet got potential.


AK-12 is bae but she's a bit slight to work with your usual style, so I'm seconding Bullet.