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Here is Taki, again. I lost her previous model, but I wanted to remake her anyway, so it's okay. If you want to you can dig out the other nude body attempt post and compare her to this one.

Let me know what you think.
I am going to make her nipples more pink later.
What do you think about pubes? I want to keep them on forever tbh.

Finally was able to fit her bodysuit. It's mostly good, there are some places where it looks slightly weird, but it's easily fixable manually.
I'll fit her armor pieces later too.
Do you hate the bodysuit color I gave her? It's not exactly like in the game, but I think it looks cool personally.

I am probably not going to be able to finish the animation before Kunimitsu comes out unfortunately. She comes out on November 10th.  As soon as I am done with her, I'll come back to Taki, don't worry.

Want to brainstorm some alt variant ideas?
Right now I am thinking: blue bodysuit with the mask on and a pink bodysuit gyaru skin.

One more thing, I've finished rendering the halloween alt versions. I will be posting them soon.




I like the color change, and the pubes look good. As for alts, maybe a torn up looking suit, like someone was eager to get access? I'd pass on it if it looks way too hard to pull off, just spitballin tho.


Yeah, she does have a torn up version of the suit and I have it, though I forgot to show it off. I'll have to edit it a little bit though, cut more spots out.


I like the shiny deep red color you made it. It ironically catches the eye and brings some more attention to her, I think. If you do the gyaru alt, I think you should put some tiger fur on her somewhere, a gyaru ninja sounds kinda funny. (Nevermind Natsu)


I think you've done a great job with Taki, the deep scarlet you've given her bodysuits complements her nicely. In terms of variants some of the things that come to mind would be Tribal Ninja (Nude with markings/tattoos on the body and Mask) and Gothic Jade (Green bodysuit with black lipstick or eyeliner)


The mesh on her bodysuit is so well done! Perfect color and texture. I like her general physique a lot, and I agree with pinker nipples. I think her legs are a little bit stocky, though; you might want to try giving her some slightly longer legs