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So here's where we are with 0.12.00.

Allie Base Poses and Interactions: 100% complete

Allie Power Interactions: 100% complete

Allie Contact Interactions: 10%  Rendered 100% Scripted

Allie Negative Interactions: 0% Rendered 100% Scripted

Bonus Sophie Content: 100% Complete

A new test build was issued early yesterday morning for all $20 Patrons, and I have now begun working on the most work intensive block of renders. Invite over scene, sex scenes, and corrupted scenes all require a hefty amount of rendering, so I'm not certain when the next test build will be released. It'll be between this weekend and the weekend after that, but I still promise that regardless of what is developed, 0.12.00 will be released to all $5 patrons by the end of the month, and what ever is left will be added in a minor update patch later.




A hopefully minor request, would it be possible to make the relaxed school dress code toggle-able (maybe via large favor asked of Lawson after the initial expense of policy change), or break the policy change requests into smaller requests by day (eg implementing "Casual Fridays," "Casual Thursdays," etc, instead of a blanket relaxed policy)? As great as it is seeing classmates wear less clothing, there's something to be said for the classic school uniforms. Having made that choice of sticking with the schoolgirl look, I'm missing out on what's probably a lion's share of the renders in this game now, just like people who relaxed the dress policy are going to miss out on the uniform renders of Allie and the other upcoming girls. Anyway, just a thought. Not sure how hard it would be to implement. Thanks for looking at this.


I agree. It's kind of annoying you can't get to see the lower inhibition versions of the school uniform anymore.


Found a slight visual bug, but honestly I'm not sure if I could replicate it even if I tried. Full details: Friday Morning, October 6 Year 1 I'm in the school hall with Larson, Denise & Allie Just asked Larson to spread influence, this action dropped her favor below 80 and after agreeing she left. When I select Allie, she and Denise disappear. I can still interact with Allie and when I deselect her (go back) they reappear. If I interact with Allie (talk, use a power, etc.) She no longer disappears when i select her but Denise still does, and still reappears when I deselect Allie.