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Hey Everybody!

Time for a weekly update!

I've spent my weekend arguing with code, and doing a crap load of UI work, and am happy to say, that combat is much closer to being completed than the last weekly update. It still isn't completely greenlit, but as you can see above, it's much further along than I thought I could get it. A lot of that has to do with StrangeCreature helping me out a metric shit load. I was able to get the majority of the first Storyline out in a Test build this weekend. I haven't received much feedback, but the feedback I have gotten is quite positive. I would like to think the first story has left them dumbfounded in amazement...but most likely...it's the weekend, and people got booze to drink.

So...Here's the plan for the rest of the week:

Today - Bughunt (only 1 reported from the storyline :D) and try to get combat finished. Will try to push out a test build tonight.

Tomorrow - Render a few more fallout scenes, from the first storyline

Wednesday - More Fallout scenes, and possibly a new intro scene variation for sister.

Thursday - Render and tie up any loose ends. Release of 0.17.00 for all $5+ Patrons. 

Friday - Take a day off work D:

Saturday - None of your business ;)

Ok. I'm gonna get back to work now. Hope you folks enjoy the release on Thursday. It'll most likely happen in the evening after I finish streaming, Unless I have everything finished up before then.




So this may be a strange question, I've noticed a few scenes that seem to unlock if you do not know a person's fetish. Is there any way to revert the fetish (similar to the Minecraft wipe) or is that something that may or may not be in future plans?


The only scene I can think of is with Larson, and I may change that around a bit to fix this issue.


Waiting is always the hardest part... :) :)