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Here's the first part of the next chapter, everyone! I should be posting the rest of the chapter later on this week sometime. Enjoy! <3

Also, for the $17-and-ups, that new East of Eve chapter is on the way, and should be posting this week as well. Thanks for your patience as I work to make it just right! <3

Chapter 38

“Emmaaaa!” called Dr. Jeltzin through his megaphone, huffing and puffing along with the rest of the scientists as they tried in vain to keep up with her, “Slow down!  Wait up for us!  I know you’re…I know you’re eager…but let us…let us catch up!”

Emma had been cruising at a brisk walking pace for the last few minutes, just enough to get her heart rate up.  The morning sun was warming her skin, and the clear, pristine desert air seemed to infuse her with energy as she took massive deep breaths in through her nose, letting the air blow out of her mouth as she continued to walk.  This was it – this was freedom.  This is what it was going to be like soon, for her and Daniel: a gorgeous sunbaked desert spread out in front of them, dotted here and there with little oases, building up to a gigantic horizon with snow-capped mountains in the distance, and who knows what adventures beyond.  

She hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, and it wasn’t even because she had been in a bad way at the Facility.  Far from it – Emma had been thoroughly enjoying herself with Daniel (having amazing sex sure didn’t hurt), she had gotten herself into the best shape of her life, and, perhaps most dramatically, she had taught herself to fully embrace her new size, which seemed to be increasing at an elevated rate recently.  70 feet…and one inch.  That had been her height this morning, and even though she had just been measured an hour ago, Emma knew that she was already taller, and bigger.  She could feel it everywhere, in her bones, in her muscles, even in her skin.  The little beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead weren’t all because of her current exertion; she was in far better shape than that.  No, she was fully aware, from the sweat on her forehead to the telltale tingling, heat, and soreness throughout her body, that her growth was accelerating.  The weight scale an hour before had clocked her at 123 tons, which had made Emma lighten up with amusement.  

“123!?” she had giggled.  “Wasn’t I 114 just a day ago?”

As she stared up at the snow-capped mountain peaks in the rapidly-approaching distance, she thought about everyone’s awestruck and uneasy expressions in response to her question.  None of the scientists had answered her, even though she knew her numbers were correct.  In the span of a single day, she had gained almost 10 tons.  It wasn’t just all the food she was eating (which was plenty).  It couldn’t have been.  Within her body, within every cell, something mysterious was taking place, something that the scientists hadn’t been able to figure out.  She was still growing, with no signs of letting up…and it wasn’t just a slow, steady growth anymore.  She was starting to grow faster.

The sound of Dr. Jeltzin’s voice had registered in her mind, but she hadn’t dwelt on it long enough to actually decipher the words.  Even when they spoke through a megaphone, it was getting harder and harder to hear the little people try and talk to her.  Daniel was the exception, of course – she always had ears for him, and it helped that he often sat quite close to her ear when they talked.  But, if Emma was being honest, it was getting harder to hear him too.  She could hear the little sound of his voice, but it took extra effort to translate those sounds into meaning…it was like she had to remind her brain that what she was hearing wasn’t the sound of a little squeaking animal, but rather a human voice.

‘Well…they are like little squeaking animals, though, aren’t they?’ she chuckled to herself, staring off across the rolling desert in front of her.  The warm sand felt amazing under her bare feet.  For the rest of the group, their feet would have burned before too long if they had touched the sand, but for Emma, it just felt pleasantly warm and smooth on her soles; and whenever she stopped walking to give the group time to catch up, she took great pleasure in burrowing her toes down 6 feet or so deep into the sand, where it was beautifully cool to the touch.  

She stood there like that now, her toes burrowed in the sand, having registered that Jeltzin had told her to stop.  Had that been a minute or so ago?  She had no idea.  Turning back to look, she put her hand up to her mouth and giggled.  They were so far behind – it looked like a mile or so – to the point where the little group, which consisted of Daniel, Dr. Jeltzin, Alison, Dr. Farley, Dr. Ossford, Dr. Clinebell, and a few others…well…they almost looked like little ants, their figures distorted by the heatwaves coming up from the sand, kicking up a tiny cloud of dust as they made their way toward her.

‘Guess I’d better just chill here for a second,’ Emma thought, putting her hands on her hips as she wiggled her butt a little, sinking her feet deeper into the deliciously cool sand underneath the warm upper layer.  For bottoms, she was wearing a pair of extra-stretchy soffes that Miss Bisset had specially made for her, which were barely able to wrap around and contain her huge thighs, her wide hips, and her voluptuous ass.  Emma loved these soffes, since they made her feel extra-big and pumped because of how tight they were, but she now knew better than to get too attached to her clothes.  As a top, she was wearing one of her trusty white t-shirts, also crafted by Miss Bissett of course, and she gently tugged on the bottom fabric, letting some refreshing breeze inside, before letting the shirt snap back in place.  Emma had to smile and shake her head a little – just a week or so ago, this exact same shirt had been oversized, hanging on her arms and shoulders almost like a bedsheet.  And now, even though Miss Bissett had made the fabric extra-stretchy, Emma knew that the shirt wasn’t long for the world.  

‘Heh, who knows?’ she thought to herself as she watched the group slowly get closer.  ‘It might not last through the day, if this spurt keeps up.  They’ll get to see me topless…wouldn’t be that big of a deal though, since I’ve been tits-out all the time recently.  Farley tries soooo hard not to look at them…but that’s a losing battle, haha!’

Right on cue, she felt a particularly intense heat surge up inside the core of her femurs, quickly spreading throughout her butt, her lower back, and then up to her arms and shoulders.  Emma bent down slowly and put her hands on her thighs, grimacing down as the sweat began to make 3-foot-wide craters in the sand below.  She didn’t mind…really, she didn’t.  In the past months she had come to embrace the pain of the growth spurts, to the point where it really didn’t even register as “pain” in her mind.  But in rare moments like these, when the heat in her bones and muscles was particularly intense, her brain focused laser-like on the sensations wracking through her body, waiting for them to stop.

When the spurts did subside, as this one began to after a minute or so, Emma felt a sense of euphoria, similar to the way she felt after a particularly intense workout.  She straightened back up and wiped her brow, taking several more deep breaths as she put her hands back on her hips, grinning back at the group that hardly seemed to have made any progress in getting closer to where she was.  

“Come on, you guys!” Emma called, cupping her hands around her mouth.  “You can’t be that slow!”

About 500 feet to her left-center, a small collection of oasis palm trees shivered, their leaves and branches bending and vibrating like they were being blown by a gust of wind.  For a moment, Emma was puzzled, since there was, at most, only a very light breeze blowing.  It took her a few seconds to realize that the palm branches were actually shaking and bending in response to the sound of her voice.

‘Oh wow…!’ she thought, a different kind of warmth beginning to spread in between her legs.  Her body’s response was automatic – the realization that her voice was that powerful was instantly arousing.  For months, she had been cooped up in the Facility, unable to experience nature in its various forms, and as a consequence she hadn’t realized the raw energy that her voice could convey.  When was the last time she had raised her voice?  Like, really raised it?  Sometimes she would call out, like when she had broken the bed the night before (heh, hilarious), but even then, she made sure to keep her voice down as much as possible.  Daniel’s little eardrums were her primary concern, but she also didn’t like the thought of hurting anyone else’s ears either.  And with all those concrete walls in the Facility, well…she knew that it wouldn’t take much.  But out here in the desert, in this huge, untamed landscape, she was free!  She could actually belt out her voice a little.  It felt so good to finally stretch her vocal cords for once!  

“Watch this!” she called to the group, pointing to the trees to her left as she grinned from ear to ear.  “Watch those trees!”  She figured that they were still a good half-mile away.  The sound would disperse enough – she wouldn’t hurt their ears.  

“HEY!” she bellowed at the palm trees.  “HEY, KINDA WINDY TODAY, HUH?”

The trees shook and bowed even more this time, almost like they were nodding in assent to her question.  Emma smiled playfully, delighting in the little game she was playing, and was trying to think of more silly things to yell at the trees when she looked back at the group, squinted her eyes, and saw that they all seemed to have put their fingers in their ears.  

‘Oh…oops,’ thought Emma, ‘Guess I was a little loud for them, huh?  Oh well…’

One of the group had run out ahead of the others…and the sun flashed off the implement in his hand…the megaphone.

‘That must be Jeltzin,’ thought Emma, amused, ‘Running out to tell me not to shout anymore.’ 

“Sorry…Sorry!” she laughed in a softer, more normal voice, putting both hands in the air like she was guilty.  “That’s my fault…just having a little fun!  Didn’t realize it was that loud!  I won’t shout again.”

She put her hands back on her hips, amused, but there was also a slight tinge of annoyance and…what was it…mistrust…in the back of her mind.  They were still like, a football field-and-a-half away from her!  No way that they were that sensitive from such a distance.  Were they really all that soft and…delicate!?  Or were they just trolling her, playing some kind of a practical joke?  Maybe that was it.  

But just then, another heat wave passed through her bones, and she leaned forward slightly, her hands on her hips, weathering yet another spurt out as she felt fresh beads of sweat spring up on her forehead.  This time, the growing pains actually made her feel directly aroused.  The knowledge that she could bend trees 500 feet away with her voice combined with the tightening sensations of her shirts and soffes around her limbs, her stomach, her butt, and her breasts…and Emma felt a sudden surge of new awareness about how powerful and huge she was becoming.  Without even caring that she was doing this in full view of the entire approaching group, she reached slowly down and pinched her swelling pussy lips together through her soffes, giving them a quick tug and shake before gently wedging her clit in between her middle and forefingers and rubbing herself with slow, definite purpose.  She wasn’t trying to be lewd; she was just aroused, and wanted to lean in and indulge it a little.



Wow great start. Excited to see Emma finally getting to not only let loose, but embrace what she can really do. Screw the little twerps: let your freak flag fly, Em!


God bless you 🙏🏾


Looking forward to the complete chapter:)