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I've had this idea in my head of a kindly, but easily frightened graveyard keeper who often has pranks pulled on him by the ghostly denizens who haunt the place. Pete Samuelson has always been able to see spirits of those who have passed on but unfortunately, telling folks over the years has made him a bit of an outcast. It's hard when no one believes you, but it does mean that working the graveyard shift has its perks - like making friends with the dearly departed! Of course some of the teasing can get out of hand. For example, when your body is made of ectoplasm, you tend to long for warm flesh and hairy floppy genitals to remind you of when you were human. That's not what scares Pete though, rather, it's that he enjoys the attention so much!




they really want some booooooooty


Damn what a cutie!!!! Wouldn’t mind seeing more of him!