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And here's the finished comic!

I'm sorry I let this one go so long without being collated together. Fortunately, the next issue (Conquered!) will be up very soon, also with fresh art!



Thomas Hernandez

Where is link to other shots from this story? #sorry #boomer


Hi, this is a PDF-file compilation of all the pages from the comic. There are other separate Might and Muscle comics (including one soon to be uploaded) that can be found through the Tags.


Amazing! Thanks for the PDFs - while I like the larger size of the single pages, getting the 2-page spreads in the PDF is soooooo great! Your work is so detailed and HOT AF so getting it all compiled into these is really awesome!


The PDFs use the full-size art, so you should be able to zoom in and have the same level of detail as the single pages! :)