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So in my defense, I get really into the needless details of this world! It's my nerdy muscly DnD escape, so I fully understand if there's parts of this that aren't entirely interesting to all.

To that end - there are two central sex scenes, beginning on pages 10 and 18!

So yes, my stories seem to be growing with each one I write. I don't think that will always be the case, but I liked the idea of poor straight-laced Gareth's journey to becoming the new paladin becoming more and more ludicrous with each event.

There's just something fun about throwing an upstanding lawful-good type like him into all sorts of silly situations.

So yes - enjoy, if it's for you! And for those who aren't into the stories, worry not, my usual drawing programming proceeds uninterrupted.

NOTE - for what it's worth, contains mild heterosexual references. All the explicit details are man-on-man.




Thanks! Love your Gareth and haven't yet but am looking forward to reading his story! I really enjoyed the last story (Son of Throg) but then again, I'm a big Nifty reader, so getting even 1 illustration with the story is great. If you're worried about the folks who don't want the story, maybe throw them a bone with 2 second drawing half way thru or of a sex scene and they'll settle down! :D


Oh, and of course Story 2 A Knight's Vows! I'd collapsed the 2 into one but yes, the first Gareth story!


Your stories are amazing. A Knight's Vows is one of the best things I've read - hits on almost all my favorite kinks.