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Hi everybody!

The be-thonged superheroes are back - I hope you'll indulge the scene-setting and battle scenes before things get too raunchy. It's so much fun to pose for battle scenes, and I know it always makes me enjoy reading back over these when they're finished so much more, if there's a good setup and some character moments before those tight holes get worked over... And we get to see Cyborg and Aquaman for the first time! I decided to take the comic book version of Aquaman as inspiration as I didn't feel like breaking my fingers trying to draw the tattoo from the Cinematic Universe version right now...

In the first part, Supes had been wondering as to his purpose, unchallenged by the myriad threats bombarding Earth. This time, though, perhaps the enemy knows more about him than he knows about himself...



Johnny Gayzmonic

Ooh...this is getting good. I love the Justice League panel. Your Aquaman design is great. I can't wait to see how Supes is going to handle everything Dominus is going to...ahem..."throw" at him.

Travis Truant

Oh damn I love Cyborg’s cyber cock.


Love the close ups of that pussy

Travis Truant

Oh yes please do a Cyborg pin up! He needs more love, especially with you drawing his dick.


While I understand your reasoning for going with comic Aquaman, I hope we’re in agreement that Mamoa’s version is sooooo much hotter! 😍

Muscle in Peril

I hope we get to see more of aqua man, your design for his costume is just so hot!


This is awesome! Can't wait to see the "peril" fast approaching Supe!