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My first time drawing a bodybuilding contest! Kinda seems strange that it's taken this long, but this was a whole lot of fun to draw. And great for my anatomy too, I think.

Scott's hitting the stage with three of the other biggest junior champions the world has to offer, and this particular story is nearly over! But I'm so pleased these characters have proven to be popular, and there will definitely be future WBBF comics.

There are four pages left in this comic now (including an almighty orgy scene the likes of which I've never drawn before!), as well as four pages left in Thor's comic. That's a bit out of sync with my usual 3-page updates, so I'll have to decide whether to release them two at a time or take a bit longer and release the whole 4 (obviously then followed up with complete PDFs). If you have a preference, let me know.




Holy fuck. I know this is bold of me to say, but this seriously might be your best work yet. So good to finally see that thonged up bodybuilding competition we have all been dreaming of!!


This is hot. Cannot wait for the epic orgy!


Thank you! I think it may be my best work anatomically - of course, bodybuilders give far better research and reference material than anyone else, which gives scenes like this a leg up. I'm sure the WBBF will be bringing us more skimpy-thonged himbo bodybuilding contests!

Lucky Stallion

So very sizzling hot! 😁🔥 There’s so much ass and muscle on stage, there can’t be a single dry groin in the crowd. And Scott’s girl’s loss is our gain. 😈❤️


It’s just...so much CAKE. I’m...I’m...weak nnnngggggggggg huuurrggggg.

Johnny Gayzmonic

This is more muscle than one man is meant to handle at once. Also, what is the space-age material holding those thongs together?


Ultra-Spandex for the Ultra-Wide Gentleman! You've given me an idea, I want to draw a thong advertising campaign now...


Fun stuff, love it! Can't wait to see the climax.


Good grief. I know there's no nudity in this one, but my goodness. I'll take one Bruno, please.