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If you told me we were going to have a full-length feature with SHUGO BACKSTORY?! I'd have thought you were crazy -- but if you told me we were ALSO getting some familiar faces showing back up and SIGNIFICANT extra moments with them?! INSANITY!

This was so much fun to watch and I can't wait to talk about it with you all!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/a2qFGV5Jsg3ChTBj63RBqk?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass: Sinners in the System Part 2 Reaction! SHUGO BACKSTORY?! YES, PLEASE!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/a2qFGV5Jsg3ChTBj63RBqk? **GLORIOUS BACKSTORY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** If you told me we were going to have a full-length feature with SHUGO BACKSTORY?! I'd have thought you were crazy -- but if you told me we were ALSO getting some familiar faces showing back up and SIGNIFICANT extra moments with them?! INSANITY! This was so much fun to watch and I can't wait to talk about it with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Sunspots (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-11 21:01:51 Loved the reaction & discussion! First Guardian is definitely one of my favourites. Part of it was when it came out – The Movie was Jan 2015 and then SS started releasing in Jan 2019. A 4-year gap! And we get such a nostalgia-fix immediately after getting ponytail!Gino? They feed us well. 🥰 You talked a lot about the main element I love though – how it enriches and deepens all the relationship dynamics between these characters we love! Especially adding so much extra colour to Masaoka’s relationship with Gino – in S1 his warmth and care was apparent, but there was also guilt and beautiful portrayals of his attempts (not often successful) to make amends without overstepping boundaries. His line about finally understanding his ‘purpose’ – completely stunning. I also love Aoyanagi getting extra characterisation – again, enhancing what we already knew about her. How she felt about Masaoka and Enforcers, therefore, what it must have meant when she had to kill the runaway Enforcer. The Gino and Aoyanagi scenes in early S2 were bittersweet by themselves and the added layer of the way she looked after/idolised Masaoka (and by extension looked after Gino) in this? The Sugo and Gino encounters after Aoyanagi is killed? I enjoyed the plot, the action was gripping - as you said, we know what happens, we know what trajectory some of these characters will take and yet it works! I agree that the reason it all works is ‘cause this was all character work. And the kind of excellent work that makes what we experienced before even richer! Baby Lamb!Sugo (official title now 😂) – have loved him since S2, so him getting so much focus was an absolute delight. And I won’t say anything more other than: Kagari 🧡 🧡 🧡 Looking forward to next week! 💙
2024-04-11 16:34:48 Loved the reaction & discussion! First Guardian is definitely one of my favourites. Part of it was when it came out – The Movie was Jan 2015 and then SS started releasing in Jan 2019. A 4-year gap! And we get such a nostalgia-fix immediately after getting ponytail!Gino? They feed us well. 🥰 You talked a lot about the main element I love though – how it enriches and deepens all the relationship dynamics between these characters we love! Especially adding so much extra colour to Masaoka’s relationship with Gino – in S1 his warmth and care was apparent, but there was also guilt and beautiful portrayals of his attempts (not often successful) to make amends without overstepping boundaries. His line about finally understanding his ‘purpose’ – completely stunning. I also love Aoyanagi getting extra characterisation – again, enhancing what we already knew about her. How she felt about Masaoka and Enforcers, therefore, adding to what it must have meant when she had to kill the runaway Enforcer. The Gino and Aoyanagi scenes in early S2 were bittersweet by themselves and the added layer of the way she looked after/idolised Masaoka (and by extension looked after Gino) in this? The Sugo and Gino encounters after Aoyanagi is killed? I enjoyed the plot, the action was gripping - as you said, we know what happens, we know what trajectory some of these characters will take and yet it works! I agree that the reason it all works is because this was all character work. And the kind of excellent work that makes what we experienced before even richer! Baby Lamb!Sugo (official title now 😂) – have loved him since S2, so him getting so much focus was an absolute delight. And I won’t say anything more other than: Kagari 🧡 🧡 🧡 Looking forward to next week! 💙

Loved the reaction & discussion! First Guardian is definitely one of my favourites. Part of it was when it came out – The Movie was Jan 2015 and then SS started releasing in Jan 2019. A 4-year gap! And we get such a nostalgia-fix immediately after getting ponytail!Gino? They feed us well. 🥰 You talked a lot about the main element I love though – how it enriches and deepens all the relationship dynamics between these characters we love! Especially adding so much extra colour to Masaoka’s relationship with Gino – in S1 his warmth and care was apparent, but there was also guilt and beautiful portrayals of his attempts (not often successful) to make amends without overstepping boundaries. His line about finally understanding his ‘purpose’ – completely stunning. I also love Aoyanagi getting extra characterisation – again, enhancing what we already knew about her. How she felt about Masaoka and Enforcers, therefore, adding to what it must have meant when she had to kill the runaway Enforcer. The Gino and Aoyanagi scenes in early S2 were bittersweet by themselves and the added layer of the way she looked after/idolised Masaoka (and by extension looked after Gino) in this? The Sugo and Gino encounters after Aoyanagi is killed? I enjoyed the plot, the action was gripping - as you said, we know what happens, we know what trajectory some of these characters will take and yet it works! I agree that the reason it all works is because this was all character work. And the kind of excellent work that makes what we experienced before even richer! Baby Lamb!Sugo (official title now 😂) – have loved him since S2, so him getting so much focus was an absolute delight. And I won’t say anything more other than: Kagari 🧡 🧡 🧡 Looking forward to next week! 💙

Anime Annie

I knew you'd have fun learning Sugou's first name was Teppei 🥰😂 Romania: I don't know if Makishima is eating a madeleine right now or not I had to pause the reaction I laughed so hard at this! Sugou really does look so good in this movie 😍 Rin's miscarriage potentially being down to the medication she was taking for her mental health (alongside the stress she was under, her grief, and the whole messed up situation) also has a realistic aspect to it. A lot of medication can be dangerous to take whilst pregnant, and yet for some people [mostly those with mental health conditions] there is a societal stigma against them not taking their meds or going off of them. Also made me think of how a lot of medications, such as female contraceptives, the side effects are waived off as just being something women have to deal with and accept as the cost of taking said medications. Surprise! You could call us a little evil for always making out that Season 1 was all we had of Masaoka and Kagari (and Season 2 of Aoyanagi), and how they were gone too soon for us, only for the anime to give us some more content and backstory with their characters. But it did give you a nice surprise with seeing them again 😅 Though it's a double-edged knife getting Masaoka, Aoyanagi and Kagari back this movie. In one way it's nice getting this background of Sugou and seeing more about Masaoka and his life (and Aoyanagi's relationship with him), alongside more of Kagari's relationship with Kougami and Ginoza 🥺 but it adds to the pain of their loss 😭 You calling Sugou a Shakespearean character is so on the nose with how truly tragic his backstory is. Just with a sci-fi aspect to it 😅 You thought they were only gonna hit us with Sugou backstory pain. They just go and hit us with Ginoza's family feels 🥺 Away from the emotional feelings, and pain, associated with that moment of Masaoka with Ginoza's Mum, her wheelchair looks ridiculously comfortable and I want it 😆 "The rest of my life is for him" is definitely a line of Masaoka foreshadowing his own demise 😭 In order to save his son from Makishima, Masaoka put his job and own wellbeing as unimportant. Poor Ginoza. No wonder he was so grumpy as an Inspector. Trying to corral Kougami and Kagari would leave anyone in a bad mood 🤣 All these scrapes and bruises Kougami gets and yet he heals up perfectly with nary a blemish or scar left behind 😂 Someone on the Psycho-Pass staff definitely enjoys seeing Kougami get a little bloody. I love how visceral Sugou's reaction to learning that it was at his hands that they all died. It hurts so much, especially when you think of how in Season 2 something similar happened with how his hand fired the gun that killed Aoyanagi. Thank you so much Psycho-Pass for this unwanted and excruciating parallel in Sugou's story 😭 I do love how they showed that whole scene with the reveal of Rin and Sugou running to try and stop/save her. It made you think that Rin really had got her revenge and then disappeared before Sugou managed to get there, but then you see the truth of what actually happened and why Sugou was so pained upon walking into that office. Also, him crying when he found Rin's body? It make the moment hit so much harder. We, and Sugou, just cannot have nice things in this anime. Learning Masaoka had a hand in helping Sugou be the Enforcer he is gives him that nice little link with Akane. Same for him feeling like there's justice in the work he does, and Akane being all about serving justice (even to the Sibyl System itself). Also the line about becoming addicted to justice really is a great line. And you could link it in with the fact that Masaoka and Sugou are currently sharing a drink of actual brandy (which the majority of society within the world of Psycho-Pass don't imbibe in because of the possibility of becoming addicted to alcohol and/or it clouding their Hue). There is a bit at the end that shows Sugou went to work at the Research and Development Department for mental care, but to me that feels like a last minute addition so as to patch over the plot hole that is Sugou's backstory from Season 2. Working on researching and building those drones does not seem like an ideal place to send Sugou considering at that point his Hue had been flagged when piloting his drone, and the military continued to have concerns regarding his mental health. The way Sugou acted about the drone facility, and his ex-co-workers' treatment of him, definitely made it seem more like he was working there and *then* something happened to colour his Hue to the point that he was sent to a mental care facility before becoming an Enforcer. The movie, in my opinion, retcons this a little by having him be moved to the drone facility rather than a mental care facility straight from his base. Now perhaps his crime coefficient was not high enough to be considered a latent criminal that required treatment at such a facility, but considering it *did* worsen to the point of him being labelled as such, it definitely begs to question of all places why they chose the drone facility for Sugou to be moved to instead of a completely unrelated job within the military if they wanted to help his Hue. And we've seen other people whose Hues have increased be sent to those care facilities. Examples being not only Kagari and Saiga [neither of whom were able to be released from said facilities as their Hue never got clear enough/their crime coefficients never dropped enough], but also Yasaka from the previous Sinners in the System movie (who at the end of the movie we were given some hope she would be able to be rehabilitated). Back in Season 1 we also were shown how Ginoza's Hue colouring was treated: he continued with his job and saw a therapist to try to improve his Hue, but when he got passed a certain point he went into a facility to be treated before being released to the MWPSB to be an Enforcer. But the main example I'd say for showing how the anime has previously portrayed the typical treatment for such people that makes me question the idea of Sugou being sent to that drone factory is Kunizuka's backstory. Her Hue was flagged and she was taken for treatment in a facility (just like where Kagari and Saiga were shown to have been in [and where Saiga is currently back at]) because her Hue had been affected by hanging around the blue-haired girl and her band. Because the movie does include that one little bit at the end I can see and understand people not thinking of this movie as a retcon for that plot point in Season 2. However, to me it feels a tad shoddy. It has the feel of it being thrown in as an afterthought because they realised too late that if they don't make mention of Sugou being at the drone facility then it does lack continuity between information given about Sugou in Season 2 and this movie. It's kind of sad to think that Sugou probably never interacted with Masaoka again after this. It was until ten months after Masaoka died that Sugou joined the MWPSB as an Enforcer. At the same time it feels like a bit of Masaoka's legacy and teachings live on in the people he left behind whose lives he touched 😭 Frederica definitely ended the movie on a very ominous note with that line to Sugou. This show, thanks to the technology of robots and holos as well as past events, definitely makes you suspicious about new characters involved in other agencies actually being linked to the Sibyl System. But it is fun that we are getting a bit more world building and learning more about other bureaucratic departments within Japan and how they interact and feel about the Sibyl System. Because I was gathering clips for making a Psycho-Pass AMV I can say that Sugou isn't wearing Togane's workout outfit. It seems to be the typical outfit given to the Enforcers as we see Kougami in the same design back in Season 1 (just he chose to work out shirtless and only put the top half of the outfit on *after* working out 😏). They are however in different colours. Kougami's was mostly navy, Togane's was an emerald green, and Sugou's is more of an army green. Psycho-Pass definitely do a good job of making their story very relatable and realistic (outside of the technology we don't have...yet). But it really is to the point that it makes you a little scared and uncomfortable, because you can see certain events mirroring real life events. Added to the things I never thought I'd hear in a Psycho-Pass reaction: "You don't have to have a kid, Ginoza. You just need to get laid!" 🤣🤣🤣 I think the queue of volunteers for *that* line would be even longer than the Baby Momma line 😆 I questioned about Kunizuka not being part of the team too. Either she was elsewhere, or this was a continuity error, as I believe Kougami was an Inspector when he recruited Kunizuka to become an Enforcer as Sasayama was still alive when she first joined the team. But this is set after Sasayama has died and Kougami has become an Enforcer (we know this for sure because Kagari didn't become an Enforcer himself until Kougami was already an Enforcer). You asking if you can multi-ship made me giggle. Being a multi-shipper is honestly the best way to be because then you can enjoy *all* the content because you can link it to each of your ships and not feel bad if there's some content for another ship like Ginoza/Sugou over content for Ginoza/Akane 😆 I'm in agreement with what your tier of shipping is. Voice actors from this movie: Frederica is voiced by Honda Takako, and she's also voiced (young) Ishida from Bleach; Anko from Naruto; and Inspector Kamata from SK8. Oscar's seiyuu was Terasoma Masaki, who has also voiced Vaclav in 86; Rikiga in No.6; and Djel from Shingeki no Kyojin. Rin's seiyuu was Ohara Sayaka, and she's also voiced Ichigo's Mum in Bleach; Makio from Sex Pistols; and Askeladd's Mum from Vinland Saga. Yoshida (Sugou's fellow soldier and friend who was killed by the military) is voiced by Sasaki Yoshihito also voiced Kobori (one of Kaijo's third years) from Kuroko no Basuke; and Dieter from Shingeki no Kyojin.


Ahhh, thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I really loved this episode! Oooohhh 4 YEARS in between the movie and these!? That’s insane! And YES, they are feeding us well in this episode with not only ponytail Gino but also Masaoka and Sugo here! The relationships with Sugo, Gino, Masaoka, and Ayonagi getting focus in this was so good! And the connection of purpose with the “addiction” to justice, as Masaoka first coined it? LOVE. It made season 1 and 2 all the more bittersweet, but felt like such a fan service for them, too! It definitely added more context and layers to the entire series with their characters. And seeing more of Sugo (BABY LAMB) made me love him all the more as well – and that Kagari cameo? OMG! <3 Thank you for the comment and kind words! I really appreciated it and cannot WAIT for next week!


I’m so glad Makishima continues to be with us in the commentary on Psycho Pass! 😛But yes, Sugo looks SO good in this! He WOULD be the main protagonist of a Shakespearean tale! The fact that this series really piles on the suffering for him! Especially that moment he found Rin! T_T I am going to bring it up in the 3rd episode, but yeah, the Research and Development does feel a tiny bit “tacked on” but it’s okay! It’s not enough to detriment my views of the series! I agree, though, with your comment and points - it feels a little tacked on. And I was totally fine with the gaslighting that came about Ayonagi, Masaoka, and Kagari because it made the surprise of them returning all the better (even if bittersweet). Especially them sharing drinks and seeing how this connects Akane with Sugo through Masaoka. I love how through Akane, Sugo, and Ginoza specifically, we see parts of Masaoka “live on.” T-T But the Ginoza family feels!! Come on wheelchair accessibility upgrade, though! They do really make you feel the pain of knowing Masaoka is going to die, though! I feel for Ginoza more, though, with all he was working with – however, that said – YES. The series makes Kogami nearly die all the time, and yet no scars? Is he Wolverine?! Yeahhhhh Frederica’s words don’t at all sound ominous, right?! @-@ Leave it to Psycho Pass to address women’s rights in this sci-fi action thriller! And the world building outside of Japan is really interesting to add to the story! But yes, a little frightful to see things touching close to home… I LOVE that you checked and found out Sugo’s uniform is NOT Togane’s that makes me feel better, knowing he gets SOME reprieve in not wearing a dead man’s gym clothes. ;) Look, I am willing to help Ginoza in whatever he needs to keep his hue…and his mind…clearer. ^^ I am all for multi-shipping as well! Maybe Kunizuka was there…just…off with Shion during this one! 😀 Ooohh, awesome info on the voice actors! Thank you for the comment, kind words, and that! Onto the next one!