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Heyhey Scientists!

Today we are finally releasing HOTFIX!!!

In this hotfix you will find many new fixes for previous somewhat unstable systems, such as the save system, combat preview, NPC Navigation, Crowd Spawner, Dialogue and Storytelling System “OCD”. Outside of that you will be able to see a first implementation of a dynamic “Look At” System, that allows characters to switch between points of interests to look at with both head motion and eye dynamics disconnected from each other, filling our characters with more, sometimes slightly chaotic, life.

Overall our goal with this hotfix was to push the limits on how stable we can get the games systems and we put a lot of thought into making the overall experience of playing ANBW smoother. We also worked on improving the speed of our content production pipeline further, so you should start seeing more regular releases compared to last year again.

Another cool new thing is the brand new “True First Person” Camera System. We are very much looking for feedback on that one specifically, since we know that headsway during movement can be a detrimental factor for some players. We tried reducing the sway to only ~5% of the natural bodymotion, but please let us know how YOU think about it after playtesting <3

The new camera system takes over for all sections of the game past CHARACTER CREATOR, while our old system is still in place in the earlier section of PROLOGUE. That said, we aim to eventually bring everything on the same level tech wise, but our focus for now was pushing the pipeline and integrating it into our active production pipeline, instead of fixing up old, pretty acceptable sections of gameplay.

You should definitely give the first sections of the game another play-through to get a peek of the new lighting update the player's original home has received. We think we finally figured out the best possible way to create FLICKER-FREE NIGHT SCENES in Unreal Engine 5. If you played any game build in UE5, you probably already noticed that all of them tend to have these “flicker spots” in shadowed dark areas of the world, especially during night scenes. So go take a gander and feast your eyes on the probably most beautifully lit scene showcased in Unreal Engine 5 so far.

(Yes we´re very proud about this one).

The last poll for the Sandbox UI was dominated by CHOICE 2 and has already been implemented. Helltaker is still hacking away on SANDBOX V3, adding dynamic role and hole switching, orgasms, a Focus-System and much more. He is extremely very sorry about the delay so here is his “official statement”:

Suminasen! I, Helltaker, Destroyer of Celibacy and Bringer of Perversion, have FAILED!

We've been working night and day, through edging nights and jelking days, in order to bring you all the ULTIMATE Sandbox Sex experience.

But, although my dick is well-raw and the callouses rough, I did not manage to complete it in time! So once again:


Our team has relentlessly topped me as punishment, and as I lay here on my donut cushion, my resolve renewed and my butthole resized, I just wanted to say: hold your nuts and keep the sounding straws ready, because when it DOES come out, it'll blow your loads and gapen your holes!

Until then, I will sit in my donut throne, pounding away at my keyboard like a raging bull until it is complete!” 

With that revealing moment out of the way let's take a peek behind the curtain on the Known Issues and remaining Patchnotes for ANBW

Known issues

  • Censor Settings need to be refreshed manually every time you load into a new game

  • expressions on NPCs after talking might some times get stuck.

  • disabled the keybinding settings for now as we want to do a full redo of how keybindings work.

  • disabled sandbox v3 because it is not ready because it is still being worked on.

  • saving and loading multiple times after each other can cause an issue with the last save file.

  • Music can at times overtake speech audio even if settings are at very low volume

  • Some players experience issues connecting with Lovense Toys


  • There is now an gacha machine the player can interact when melody is leading the player around where the player can get something if they want.

  • Press any key should disappear after a key is pressed.

  • Removed the old random walking citizens for a more performant MassAI citizen.

  • Combat mode should now turn off during sequencer and there should be an damage effect that shows when the player has taken damage.

  • NPCs should now be more expressive during dialogues.

  • During the streaming section the tokens should now correctly update, The chat should correctly react to what is happening and the hud elements should now correctly turn on and off for the different sections.


  • Censor got updated for characters from chapter 1.

  • The Lovense window when Lovense is activated should correctly appear again.

  • The player shouldn't be able to die during the combat section with the virus any more.

  • Player should be able to load into the combat section and the enemies should attack again now. That being said we plan to disable saving during combat in the near future.

  • Combat mode should now be fixed so it doesn't break or get stuck.

  • added an arbitrary party system for us to keep track of what npcs the player is currently doing content with.

  • Interaction logic (The one where the player interacts with objects) has been massivly reduced from pre ancient logic to a more versatile, easier and modern logic.

  • Movement on both player and npcs should now be a lot more dynamic instead of hard set

  • store all action nodes that was previously visited so we can recalculate values later on

  • more variables saved to player save files reduce the amount of data we need to push in different sections to reduce our own workload.

  • A lot of changes to reduce the workload on our side that makes sure that the character keeps their previous states unless overriden.

  • Combat mode shouldn't be able to be activated during inspection or pause menu any more.

  • Streamlined and changed how UI works in the system. While there is little visual changes it should be a lot more robust and have a lot less issues.




Fuckyeah! I love hearing your updates and progress, thank you all so much for your hard work!


Having the same issue with mega again only allowing half the download and the other option takes 1 hr plus to download so you are aware


do I delete the old version or do I keep the old version before downloading?

Zachari Barnes

Couple of bugs Love sense integration seems to only work from the menu Pressing "Close" on the love sense menu while in game (from the pause screen) makes it impossible to re-open it with going back to the main menu Only detects my toy if I use the SSL port Tooltip for the SSL port says "Mobile only" or sonething Lovesense intesity slider doesnt seem to do anything


Thanks for the report. We have switched to Lovense Official UE5 plugin around 3 months ago. It definitely connects better than the previous one but it still has some quirks.


Just finished my playthrough a bit ago and everything was smoother than a Melody covered in lube, besides just 2 little things. First problem was Lovense remote (desktop version), it connected my toys and running the test function worked but during gameplay, it didn't receive any commands. So I just switched to moblie remote version and worked 100%, no flaws. Last problem was the sandbox, it just didn't work. I pressed Q, shift Q, alt Q, tab Q, and every other key for nothing. I even deleted all save files and tried reloading a save, still none of that worked. That's all I got to say on possible bugs.


Heyhey! From what we heard desktop remote in general shouldnt be used with the current version of the Lovense Plugin for Unreal Engine. Also please read the patch notes: Sandbox has been disabled due to heavily being in the works right now.


Is this version primarily story driven? I assumed there would be some spicy content but couldnt find anything


I'm having trouble downloading this, the file size is too big on Mega without paying for pro, and the Pixeldrain download keeps failing before half a gig is downloaded. Do you have any alternatives?


Will there be an Android version later down the line or mainly just for pc?


We´re gonna have to cap it at PC VR sadly. Maybe Unreal becomes more performant on android vr builds in the future but right now its not clear if it will or it wont.


I'm having glitches where the fight scene doesn't load and I can't find the enemy / targets. And can not make any further progress on the game.