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Apologies for the art slowdown, y’all. My job situation is weird right now, but hopefully about to change for the better. So I’m opening up drawing requests, the more specific the better! And just for funsies, you can request Fuzzbutts doodles AND MLP stuff (can be pandoraverse content, or simply whatever you want). No limit on how many drawing requests you feel like tossing at me, so fire away!


Res Hound

Bob and Toffee being summer camp counselors, perhaps at a summer camp organized by Toffee's parish. I'm picturing Toffee in like, 70's camp clothes with high socks, bright shorts, and a deep love for sand volleyball.

Shaylin A.

This is a bit late and more of a question than a request, but I didn't want to clog up comments on a regular art post, so: a lot of the canon couples in Fuzzbutts are non-monogamous to some extent, so I'm wondering how they came to that realization? And similarly, are there any couples who tried it and didn't like it/are very monogamous?