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Wallpaper and credits survey for this month are here 

...Aaaand we're back!


As a reminder, here's waht's going on here this month an next:

  • February 2024 (schedule resumes)
    - Soushiyo working on 3X CHOICE
    - Influencer poll for 3X CHOICE (#3)
    - Credits for 3X CHOICE
    - Thumbnails for 3X RISE (Influencers)
  • March 2024
    - Soushiyo working on 3X CHOICE
    - Influencer poll for 3X CHOICE (#4)
    - Credits for 3X CHOICE
    - 3X RISE drops (end of month)

Projects that happened in Dec/Jan

I was really productive during the break. I got a lot of stuff done, both in terms of catching up on Familiar projects and also, like, other things that I wanted to do with my life! Thank you all so much for continuing to support me while this occurred. I feel recharged and ready to jump back in.

Here are a few Familiar things that happened that were made possible by your support:

In other shop news that is in progress, but not yet completed, I have begun designing greeting cards. I have ordered a test to check the quality before publishing them, so I can't guarantee they will be ready by the February popular/commercial gift-giving day. But, assuming the quality is good, they will be coming soon.

I also was able to take the time to dabble in some traditional mediums and submit some physical work to art shows! More on that if it happens. (and if the pieces don't get in, I will make prints of them for the shop)

That's it for this newsletter. More soon.



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