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Happy new calendar.

Everything is on schedule to keep to the schedule I outlined in November's newsletter. If you are new, please take a look at that schedule to understand what's going on with the progress on the comic and how it all applies to activity here on Patreon.

Reminder: Familiar on break, Patreon perks running as usual

I won't be actively working on chapters in Dec and Jan, but I will still be fulfilling perks. 

Familiar German translation

This month I also hope to lay out chapters 01-03 in German and load chapters 00-03 to Drunk Duck as my Familiar side project that is long overdue. If you're interested in joining this volunteer, fan-led project, hop into the Discord server. We're always looking for German-native speakers for localization chat, and especially for peer review.

January Influencer poll + stretch goal

As the follow-up to December's Influencer poll, this month Influencers ($5+ tiers) will be voting on the second reprise object/element that will feature in episode 3X CHOICE. December's winning item was HORNY TEA (from 3X ELIXIR). This month, Influencers will choose from a variety of items from previous chapters... and I mentioned on Discord, so I'm saying it here: as a stretch goal, if my Patreon monthly proceeds reach $3k/month by the time the poll goes up on the 15th, I will add Freddi as an option among the other toys :) Do with this info what you will.

Shop updates

New products in the shop include:

As always, thank you for your support - especially during break months. Means a ton. Best to everyone as we roll on out into 2024!



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