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Wallpaper and credits survey for 3X GAME is here. ($2+ patrons only)

Status update of the comic pages

I didn't actually get RISE done on time. This is a first in four years... I still have 4 pages left to do. I don't have any concerns about getting them done or keeping everything else on track before the chapter comes out. It's just been, you know. A real couple months of all time. But it won't affect the publishing schedule, so we're all good. Just keepin it level with ya.

My vacation is scheduled!

Taking a look at the schedule, I've assessed that I will be able to take a 2 month break this year, as I've done in the past! Thanks for making this possible. As usual, during my break, I will still be fulfilling Patreon perks -- I just won't be working on a chapter. The schedule as it currently stands looks like this:

  • OCTOBER 2023: No chapter drops.
  • NOVEMBER 2023: 18 ROSEMARY drops end of month.
  • DECEMBER 2023: BREAK (all perks still fulfilled*)
  • JANUARY 2024: BREAK (all perks still fulfilled*)
  • FEBRUARY 2024: 3X RISE drops end of month.
  • MARCH 2024: No chapter drops.
  • APRIL 2024: 3X GAME drops end of month.

* For break months I'll let Influencers do 2 bonus polls on the next chapter (after GAME). I'm going to do a "best of" chapter and let Influencers pick which two magical items from previous chapters will be combined into a new one. Start planning accordingly. :)

Status of the age verification mandate(s) 

I'm not going to do a full news report every month, but the short version is that the age verification mandates are being challenged, and in some places (like Texas), there is hope. I will not be making any changes to the position and location of Familiar until the mandates are fully overturned, but at the moment it's not looking completely abyssal. See the Free Speech Coalition website for more info. 

Shop news

There are a few new things in the shop:

I am also investigating a new vendor for stickers which - if all turns out well - will result in higher quality, more ecologically friendly, and cheaper stickers. If I can make this work out, I'll be able to reduce the price of stickers fo $4 each with free shipping, and I may also be able to use the same vendor to make greeting cards, which is something I've wanted to add for a long time.

The 10% off coupon code FAMILIARVERSARY will be valid through October 7.

Upcoming changes to Patreon tiers

I've been monitoring the popularity and access of the various perks of the different tiers, and I'm working on a couple adjustments that will improve my quality of life (mainly eliminating perks that no one seems to access or have any interest in). I'll be discussing these changes over the next couple months on Discord, so if you're interested in participating in that conversation, I'd love to see you there. Specifically, these changes affect the Collector and Seeker tiers. At the moment I have no plans to change perks to the other tiers, and any changes I do make will not go into effect until January (and I'll give everyone a heads up in December so you can make any adjustments to your subscriptions as you wish). 

Thanks as always for your ongoing support which makes this comic possible!


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