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Hello, good morning, good afternoon.... March huh. sure is. am i right?

OK I'm going to open with something totally different.

Familiar community DnD game - solicitation of interest!

I'm working with one of our finest members, (ironman)Phoenix to sponsor a DnD game for y'all. This is not really related to Familiar in any way, but I thought it would be a fun way to get to know one another. The game will take place on Discord in the Familiar server (I'll open some dedicated channels for the game to take place while it's happening) and will be open to current members.

This is still a bit up in the air at the moment while we figure out how many people would be interested and when everyone is available. Please check in about this on the server if you're interested - I'll be opening some channels to discuss soon.

2X PLEASE - complete!

It happened. I've updated the publication schedule on the website :)

09 WICK on schedule for end of the month

Familiar resumes again at the end of March with a new plot chapter, 09 WICK. It feels like 10 billion years since I worked on this chapter so I'll be brushing it off and getting all ready for drop at the end of the month. There are some good Sybil faces in it.

I think that's all for now. thanks as always for your love and support!


Chapter list:

Familiar Q&A:
pw: smarch



Oooooo DnD! That would be a blast!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 00:46:22 My wife and I would be interested in the D&D game
2021-03-11 19:24:45 My wife and I would be interested in the D&D game

My wife and I would be interested in the D&D game


Hey Randy - thanks for your interest! The timing and group was discussed on the server. We will see how this campaign goes and if it's a success I'm definitely open to doing more in the future so everyone gets a chance to play!