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There's actually not a lot to cover this month. I've just been... busy! You know!?

Familiarversary + Firebird!

Happy one year Familiarversary and happy launch to Firebird! The response so far has been gratifying. I'm glad the chapter didn't disappoint. Hahhhh. On the one hand, I liked that Firebird dropped at about the one year mark of the Familiar launch. However, I don't necessarily think that will be the case for future act finales. Either way, here we go into Act II!

Halloween & NYE specials

Thumbnails for both are done. Colors are just about done on the Halloween special, and I can finish them now that the poll has concluded. The rest of October will go toward finishing the NYE special so it's ready to go on time.

The October Influencer poll will be re: the NYE special. Also note that the Halloween special will thank September Patrons, and the NYE special will thank October Patrons.

Planned Familiar break - January and maybe February

I am still planning to introduce a planned break in release schedule in January. Because of how I work on the comic, this doesn't actually mean that I won't be working during this "break" -- in fact, the break is happening because I took September and October to work on these two short specials. It's kind of confusing, I know. But rest assured I'll still be working on comics even if there's no drop in January. I am also considering taking a real break from everything in February just so I don't burn out. We'll see how I'm feeling later in the season.

New stretch goals in the works

Thanks for voting in the stretch goal poll -- it's helped me identify some fun rewards that I am now investigating, including print volumes of Familiar and enamel pins. Hope to share more information about this as things develop. 

Discord reminder

We've been having some good, clean fun over on Discord, so please join us! 

...and also a reminder that Patreon apparently re-adds people if they are Patrons and have their Discords connected, even if they've opted out of the server. If you'd like me to ban you consensually from the server so it doesn't re-add you, please DM me and let me know and I'll take care of it. I don't love the idea that you just get forced into the server, but it's the only way to also automate the tier access and everything. Thanks for your understanding.

Chapter credit reminder

ETA: Just a reminder that credits in Familiar are for the chapter I am working on during the month the subscription is for, and I am typically working 4-6 months ahead. That means, for example, if you joined Patreon in August, your first credit will appear in 09 WICK, which I was finishing in August. The credit schedule can be found at the below link:


That said, if I ever miss you on a credits page, please notify me right away. I have to manually consolidate patron reports to get the list of names, so inevitably I will accidentally miss someone. Let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!

All right. Back to work.



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