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Not a whole lot to report this month. Things are going steadily and well. We are almost to that first Patreon goal for the calendar pinups... and I'm getting more serious about putting together a set of oracle cards/prints. Summer projects!

🔮 Chapter 1X (DESK JOB) and Chapter 08 (FIREBIRD) thumbnails complete!

I finished two sets of thumbnails in February - a 16 page filler called Desk Job and the 24-page rough draft for Firebird. I'll be focusing on finishing Desk Job in March and revisiting the thumbnails for Firebird in April. It's a big, important chapter so I want to make sure I get it right. This does mean everything remains on schedule, and we'll be seeing Freddi (FINALLY) sometime this summer!

🔮 Influencer bonus pages on fillers

I'm going to try a new thing for GIFT, the first filler chapter, which will be coming up next in April. The original final page that we did for the Influencer poll ended up not fitting in the way I was expecting it after I split that chapter into two chapters... but actually I think it will work out super nice as a bonus page that appears at the end of the chapter. Kind of an ending button, a full page scene that was made special order by vote. If it works out, I might consider doing this for every filler chapter (along with a separate poll that influences content inside the chapter). 

As always, thank you for your ongoing support, and for sharing Familiar with your friends. This comic receives most of its traffic via recommendations. Those referrals make this all possible! 

If you ever have any ideas for things you'd like to see added to this Patreon, please drop me a message, either in a comment or a DM. I'm always looking for ways to improve how things work here!




Thank you for the newsletters and keeping us updated and thank you for having a wonderful patreon 😁


I do tarot and have been really interested in getting a set of oracle cards to use in tandem w my tarot cards -- I'd *love* a Familiar themed oracle deck!


Awesome! I've studied and read for about 16 years (mainly RW) but I've always shied away from doing any kind of deck, mostly from a production complexity standpoint. Maybe now is.... My Time(tm)