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Hey! Check the mega folder!

I did this short comic because those mules were asking for inshoe crush, and bc i needed to test some gore assets for the barefoot comic. Next thing i do is finishing this that comic.

After that, a barefoot CQ sequence. So, for the barefoot guys, stay tuned!

Let me know if you like this short story!

(I haven't forgot about the boots sequences. I just need to model more boots...)




I really LOVE these sequences of little slaves being crushed beneath the huge feet from these so beautiful, ruthless crush queens! , specially "Mila" who looks particulary cruel and sexy, besides show great enjoyment, even sexually by crush little human beings beneath her gorgeous feet, making them suffer a lot. I love see her crushing helpless tiny men beneath her thick plattforms (sandals and Boots), being she in barefeet, and beneath regular sandals and also boots. And particulary I enjoy a lot these sequences of in-shoe crushing, since the little victim stay trapped in a very sensual way between the meaty sole from Mila's bare foot and the insole from her sexy shoe before he die in a slow and painful way, being literally busted like a grape there inside for sexual enjoyment of Mila. I love the idea of a similar sequence but inside a high leather boot to avoid the scatter outside the footwear all the victim's mashed remains, and so Mila be able to enjoy her crushing for more time.


good inshoe story and the images were exactly that in the fantasy. cannot wait to see the followup story with inshoe and walk content.


Fantastic. Can't wait for the conclusion.