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I decided to start doing weekly updates to keep everyone updated! I know I get a little silent at the beginning of the month but that's usually because I take the first week to write Patreon stuff and work on what I'm going to post for the rest of the month.

This week has been very productive! Not only have I started drafting the beta tester emails, with O's Valentine special done, I've been working on G's. Their Valentine's Day special went through many variations but I've finally stuck to a
'concept (one could say) and I really like it. This is definitely going to be a version of G that I've never written before, mostly because it's more romantic than what we've seen in the story so far. It's still G and still semi-canon but with extra ~flavor~. That should be out in the next two days, or tomorrow if I manage to finish it tonight! (That's what I'm aiming for!!)

As for Chapter 1, I'm finally on the final part of the chapter. A lot has changed. With the new MC variations in the prologue, I realized that even the smallest dialogue scenes need to be reworked to reflect the new additions. I added a new scene that I think changes the tone a lot when it comes to the band. On the forum, I was given a suggestion to write a scene that can show the way the band is before the show starts, just to give readers the ability to compare "before" and "after" since the nature of the show does start to muddy up a lot of the dynamics. I thought it was a great idea...but I can't deny making it angsty anyway. The scene can go very positively or it can take a turn, but either way I think it gives more insight on the band as friends outside of music. I realized in the original demo we didn't get to see much of Jazzy before she turned into a side character, so I was keen on fixing that. More Jazzy page time! I wonder if it'll change the opinions people have on the bandmates. Who knows?

With this newer chapter I believe readers will start deducing where the story is going. Some people have already guessed the direction of the story or better yet the "possible" directions of the story, so I'm excited to see what other theories crop up. I've become more confident with where I want to go and I think people are going to enjoy it, so expect some heavier tones (at some points, not always hahaha we do need some fun sometimes...) ! But still very Infamous :)

Luckily, the original Chapter 1 is only 21K words so it hasn't been too much on me rewriting wise. Looking back, 21K feels so short now lmao.

That's all for now!



AhhhH romantic G!! Can't wait...also yay more Jazzy! The chapter 1 additions sound delicious. 🤩


More jazzy!