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This is a little snapshot of some of the scripting I'm doing today!

The top part is the second half of page 28. When I format a script, I number each panel so I can find that part in the script quickly if needed. 

The bottom part is what I write before I actually script the page. Each page has a quick summary of what I want to accomplish, so when I get to the script part of it, I can knock it out faster. It's usually got a lot of shorthand that I'll recognize later. 

I did this scripting today at the gym while I tried to get back on the exercise horse. And by horse I mean the treadmill, walking at a sedate pace. I may not be able to push my body as hard as I wish I could, but I refuse to ever give up!!!

Anyway, I hope to get a bunch more pages sketched. After the sketching, the rest comes pretty quick, so I should be able to knock out a bunch in one go -- or I might even be able to hire an inker/flatter to help as well. I'll see how that goes.

Anyway! Scripting! Woo.



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