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Hi all, December 2023's small plugin is now far enough along to release into the Alpha stage of development!

This plugin allows you to show text above events. This does support text codes, but most likely not text codes added by other plugins with the exception of text codes from [CGMZ] Message System. The icon text code is supported. You can optionally have text change opacity with distance to the player, and you can also give the text a float effect. The float effect looks like this:

You can use this to draw the player's attention to a specific event, and it also helps add some movement to the screen so things aren't so static.

This plugin is pretty basic still, as it ended up being a bit more work than first thought to create the foundation of the plugin. As a result, there will be a lot to add throughout the Alpha process. The things I have planned to add in future updates include:

1) Add a way to draw a background behind text
2) X/Y offsets
3) Horizontal float effect
4) Plugin command to hide / show all names
5) Plugin command to hide / show specific event name

There will also be further optimizations made to the plugin with future updates. Do you have anything else you'd like to see added? Please leave a comment below or in the #suggestions channel of the Casper Gaming Discord! I add all suggestions to my to-do list.

Happy RPG Making!


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