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Hi all, [CGMZ] Press Start is ready for Alpha!

This plugin shows a Press Start screen before the title screen, and after any splash screens (if using [CGMZ] Splash Screen). This is a screen which displays a background image, optionally the game title the same as in the title scene, and optionally a Press Start image. The scene will wait here until it detects any "ok" keyboard/gamepad input from the player, or any touch input.

For the Press Start image, you can decide where on the screen it is displayed using a percentage based coordinate system. You can also have a hover effect when the user mouses over the image. This will change the image to a hover image, which can be anything you want, and change back once the user stops hovering their mouse over the image. It looks something like this:

That is about all for now, but I do have some future plans for additional features as this plugin progresses through the Alpha stage. The following are features I hope to implement before beta stage:

1) Allow you to choose which input counts for pressing start
2) Integration with [CGMZ] Global Data
3) More transition effects

As always, you are encouraged to leave any additional feature suggestions down below, or in my Discord #suggestions channel. You can also leave any support questions down below, send me a direct message, or ask in my discord's #support channel.

Happy RPG Making!

Hi all, version Alpha R2 is now out, and this version adds a quality of life feature for testing: you can now skip the press start screen while playtesting. Enabling this option will still cause the Press Start screen to be seen by your players in the deployed game. For playtests there is not much reason to see the Press Start screen after you have it working how you want it, so this will save you time each time you want to playtest your game.


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