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Hi all,

Today we have a plugin to allow you to use more filters in RPG Maker. By default, PIXI (the engine RPG Maker MZ runs on) only has a few built-in filters. This plugin adds all of the extra filters which can be found here: https://pixijs.io/pixi-filters/tools/demo/

While all of the filters are technically added, right now the plugin only supports the GodrayFilter via plugin command so the other filters are not very easy to use yet. I will be going through each filter and adding support over time, but this is probably going to take a while since each filter has unique properties/options that can be set and I need to test each filter individually. Furthermore, the filters via plugin command only impact the screen right now so you cannot apply individual filters to individual pictures or other sprites. While I do have plans for that functionality in the future, it will most likely be a separate plugin.

Please feel free to let me know which filters you are most interested in and I can prioritize getting those working (unless any unexpected complications arise from that filter).

Update Nov 12: Added CRT Filter plugin commands

Update Nov 18: Added Old Film, Glitch, Ascii, CrossHatch, Kawase Blur, Dot, Pixelate filters

Alpha Update 26 April 2023: This plugin has been updated to add the following filters:

  • Adjustment Filter
  • Advanced Bloom Filter
  • Emboss Filter
  • Grayscale Filter

This update also fixes a crash when loading a save file that used previous versions of this plugin. Now any time an update is released, your old save files should still be compatible.

I also updated the version of the pixi filters. These are made for Pixi JS 7 while RMMZ uses Pixi JS 5, however, after some extensive testing they all seem to work on the version of Pixi JS RPG Maker uses, and this version of pixi filters includes more filters (such as the Grayscale Filter) so I thought it was worth updating and doing testing to make sure everything worked still.



That’s just awesome. At the moment I don't know what other filters I would use, but the GodRay filter is just great (especially since the effect is animated). What I could imagine would be the glow filter. With it you can surely achieve cool effects. (e.g. ghosts, if you activate "Knockout") But that would be one of the filters that would rather impact sprites, I think.