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Sorry I haven’t been posting, to be honest was going through a tough time, feels like my personal world and the world at large are falling apart. Plus I’m new to this platform, I wasn’t sure what to be sharing. So for now I’m sharing you my mood, in the back yard, holding back tears of frustration and angst, putting on my best ‘fuck it’ face cus I will never fake a smile.

Would love your feedback on what you seek from me on this platform, why you chose to be a patron of my art, and moving forward what do you want to see/read?

Feel free to comment of message me privately.

Thanks for hanging in there with me!




Thank you guys for the support and feedback! Dance videos coming soon 😘

Fleckmo Didjabop

Alea, I have also loved all of the modeling you have done with @ganja_kitty. I’m very happy to support both of you as artists and creators.