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"Sneak Attack"

Yalena can leave before ever making another face like that, no ty.
We are strapping in even tighter and holding on for dear life because we have no clue where this is going! We know that 19, 20, & 21 are another trifecta thanks to those of you that have filled us in! We will post those on Mon, Tues, and Wed of next week so that you don't have to wait too long in between. Thanks so much for watching with us! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




The compromise on the next 3 episodes is wonderful. Can't wait!


Glad you guys are doing a trifecta for 19-21. Easily my favorite trilogy of AOT

Jaren Fletcher

I’m so excited to see this!

Mostafa Yahia

Oh , I came here to be first like and comment , Mission Failed :(


I'm very excited I'm curious what anime yous were thinking of watchin once this one is over I just started showing my mate Jujutsu kaisen (highly recommend)🤙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Guillermo Rodriguez

When you said Yelena freaks me out, I was like, just wait a bit lmao you gonna be really freaked 🤣

Tony Garcia

I’m glad you two understand gabi and recognize her growth. So many people just hate her throughout the whole show simply because she’s “annoying” like come on she definitely made progress.


why Yelena looked at armin like that? Its because in the jail cell, armin LIED and made it seem like he agrees with Euthanasia, on the roof armin said “we have no other choice but to help” or something like that, basically making it seem like he never agreed with the plan. Yelena felt betrayed and gave armin the meanest of looks


Are they really doing the 3 episodes in one posting? Thought they were opposed to doing that.


Fastest click in the west haha! So excited to see your reactions to the upccoming episodes, enjoy the ride :D


why Gaby and Reiner are 2 of the best...they were brainwashed and did terrible things but as they found out what the world was...they felt guilt and started to do better...that is good growth and development!!!

James Williams

I thought Yelena weird face was due to her realizing Armin lied to her when he was in the jail and she displayed her “real feelings” before going back to the pleasant (lie) face.


BROOOOOO THIS IS TWICE NOW YALL HAVE IMPRESSED ME IN A WAY OTHER REACTORS HAVENT. Your noticing of the bird cages while gaby was talking is so amazing


yipeee, thanks for update.


Not that ive seen. I wont name names to shame anyone. Cause i love all reactors but ive seen only these two notice the bird cages


Sometimes i say to my self there is no way one man, Isayama, created such a beautiful story like this. Like he had to have help right? Cause this shjt is genius level work.


yall really skipping the intro :((

Kink Baron

They'll watch all intros and outros in an separate video after entire aot is done.

Hans Wurst

Definitely! Those episodes are a worse rollercoaster than the trilogy of season 3 part 2 with Armin's sacrifice.


Can someone invent a time machine real quick so I can watch the next episode immediately? Literally so hyped for this


I've mostly seen people hate her after Sasha's kill up until the restaurant arc where she is still mostly brainwashed and see Paradise Eldians as bad people


It was Armin said "We have no choice to help eren" or something like that. Which means He made the choice after marley invaded. Not when yelena expose the plan. The cry was a bluff.


They watched it together Editing is a mf when you are doing it alone


You know Looking at it S4 is a mf

Mister X

This intro SHOULD be skipped. It's a crime that it exists at all when it's too early


Sadly, despite the impressive character development we've seen, I still see people saying they hate Gabi and think she was a poorly written character. It's not like everyone needs to like every fictional character, but I don't understand how anyone can think she was a *bad* character. It's especially annoying when those same people have no issues with similar characters. Why the double standard?


@Nsiegbe - Definitely. It would be a boring world if every single person consumed media exactly the same way, so I would never expect *everyone* to like Gabi and her character arc. Still, the amount of hate people feel for her seems abnormally high for a fictional character. She is consistently polled as one of the least favorite AOT characters in the numerous unofficial fan polls I've come across, too. And people critique her for the same things other characters say and do, but those characters get free passes. It just seems odd to me.


It's possible to understand a character/see their growth while still hating them regardless


If a drunk driver killed someone you love, then learned their lesson and never did it again (or whatever form of growth they made afterwards) you would likely still hate them.


omg next wednesday will be so hype :D

Cas Willems

The character growth of commander Nile is also underrated imo. He finally shows compassion and selflessness idk I thought that was really cool of him.

Tony Garcia

A drunk driver knowingly made the decision to drink and drive knowing full well they put others in danger. In Gabis case she was brought up to believe in what ever Marleys way of life was. She wasn’t given a choice to decide if what she was being told was true. Also Sasha did in fact kill someone who gabi saw as an ally. The never ending cycle you know of.


fr, slowly dying until next week. Why couldn't it be like on the same week? haha


You guys are SO close to my favorite episode!


Not everyone is empathetic or emotionally intelligent, that's just life. The world is full of 80iq troglodytes and some of them watch anime. It is what it is. My favorite characters are Gabi and Floch and they catch a lot of flack from idiots.

Francisco Yang

And now we await for next week, one of the greatest trilogy of episodes in AOT

Aison Magday

Pay attention to the next episode title. It's such a good reflection of the episode. Still blows my mind.

Adam Aucoin

damn cant wait for next week, best episodes of the entire show


Falco is from the Grice family. One of the Grice were turned into titans along with Grisha Jaeger when the patriots were executed in the flashback. Just something to think on. I think it's confirmed it was his uncle? But I could be wrong. But I figure Falco sympathizes more due to how he was raised. Maybe just a less strict family upbringing? Or secret patriots! i'unno


Yes, Dr. Jaeger (Grisha's father) confirmed that was Falco's uncle when he told Eren to stop having Falco run errands for him at the hospital.


I skip all intros, always, irrespective of the show that I'm watching

Brandon Moore

I am so excited to watch the rest of the reactions from this point on. This is my favorite series and watching you both react just takes me back to my own first watch/read experiences


People watch this show and then cheer on eren at the end even though eren himself said that armin was the one that was gonna save the world and armin and onyakopon had a good plan… but hey let’s cheer Erens actions


Ah yes, Yelena's face. Her not so subtle way of saying "I KNOW YOU LYIN' BUT I GOT NO CHOICE BUT TO TRUST YOU"


Gabi knowingly made the decision to get on the airship and shoot someone. I'm not saying she wasn't justified, I'm just saying it's possible to completely understand why someone did something and still hate them. Also "She wasn't given a choice to decide if what she was being told was true." is just an excuse. Erwin was taught that no people lived outside the walls, but he questioned the teaching.

Mere Bystander

My read on Yelena's face is like: "don't you dare to think yourself the one celebrating and believing the two brothers, only I will be the closest on their side, I'm their true loyal follower, you are not."

Jesse Gutierrez

I know! It’s wild! Gabi is actually one of my top three favorite characters of the entire show. I think her character arc and the beautiful way that they wove in Sasha‘s death and made it so meaningful is one of the most well-written.


@Pioka -- We need to avoid posting spoilers. They aren't reading our comments in real time, but they've said they will eventually come back to read our thoughts (and that could happen before they've watched the ending). I do agree with you, however.


Not quite. A couple episodes ago, Armin was pretending to be moved by their "noble cause" in order to get on Yelena's good side, after she told them about the euthanization plan. Here, he said "we have no choice but to help," implying they wouldn't help if they had any other choice. If he truly believed their cause was noble, he wouldn't "have no choice" - he would be willingly jumping in. Yelena caught him in his previous lie and it pissed her off, but she also has no choice but to rely on them to help so she lets it slide.

James Velky Jr

If you think this show has been wild you have no idea what’s coming from this episode on. The ending is one of the best endings in all of fiction imo. It’s so beautifully written to describe this beautifully cruel world we live in


Next week’s lineup is gonna be crazy

Jake the Movie Geek

Gabi is so freaking awesome! I love her character growth.

Alicia Tosca

I second that rec! Jujutsu Kaisen is dope, also 🤙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Wait, was he not a compassionate person before? I genuinely don't remember. I feel like his character growth has more to do with learning to think for himself instead of blindly and mindlessly following orders from the top. He learned from Erwin to question authority.


That might be part of it, but the real reason is that Yelena realized that Armin had tricked her in the jail when he started crying after hearing about the euthanization plan. He said "We don't have much choice" but to help Zeke and Eren, which tipped her off that he doesn't actually want to side with her.

Kevin Narciso

Honestly, rewatching this season with ya'll does confirm why I detested this season so much. The fact everyone is scared of Yelena comes off as a parody. You have an Ackerman and scout vets, as well as the Colossal Titan, and we're supposed to be intimidated by her? Oh, and this is by far my fave part of the season. Where nothing happens and we spend multiple eps of Eren slow walking to Zeke.

Tony Garcia

Yeah fair enough. Personally if gabi killed someone I loved I would’ve went after her too. Guess Sasha’s dad is a better person than me lol And true. Erwin was right to question but also gabi basically grew up in a concentration camp and the whole world hated her race. While Erwin’s curiosity was had in a “safe enclosed space” minus the titans obviously. Right


Absolutely love Gabi's realization. She finally, finally gets it. She finally gets that the Paradis Eldians are normal people, just like her. I Love how Kaya basically acts like a mirror for Gabi to see herself in, to see how hateful she's acted her entire life.


Yes that guys name was Grice, he was Falco's Uncle. And No he was not turned into Titan, he was thrown off the cliff to run, so that titans would chase him as easy target instead of hording at the Quay wall

Echoes Garden

The track you were moved by is called Night of the End (best checked out via Spotify or something - there are some great covers on Youtube but searching it would be a spoiler risk).

Kevin Ramirez

i love it when you guys analyze the little details, like the music. the music is definitely what makes this show for me, and i'm glad to see someone else appreciating it as much as i do!


The whole next week for aot is gonna be crazy especially friday imo


yes! the music is so well done and well placed.

Zakwan Khidzir

He wasn't. He's the future Jean if Jean had not changed. In Season 1, we saw him act out of fear. Ordering MP personnel to draw out a gun against Eren in the military court and trying to arrest Erwin in Stohess amid Annie and Eren rampaging the city. In Season 3 part 1, he only assists with the Coup because he is concerned about his family in Rose when the Lords refuse to evacuate the Rose citizens. Erwin knew his weakness; that's why he exploited that when Erwin asked about his wife's whereabouts. Erwin even called her by name, showing us they are both close to one another. I reckon the death of Erwin moved him when he told everyone the story of Erwin's theories. Perhaps the "selfless" act of Erwin changed him.

Blake Childress

You two NEED to upload ep.19, 20, & 21 all in one video. Those three episodes are like one big episode so you really need to watch them back to back to get the full experience.


You both are so smart!