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This is the (Sort of) demo portion for Automatic Drawing. It kind of defeats the purpose of automatic drawing if I'm talking about what I'm doing while I'm doing it. So I recorded a 20 minute automatic drawing session then put a little music over it, and recorded an intro about the technique and how I've been using it.

How I've been using it

Since I made the Automatic Drawing lesson, I've been looking for little 15 minute chunks throughout the day to practice automatic drawing. 

I listened to this interview with Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett. He was talking about the art of improvisation in music. I found what he was saying super applicable to Automatic Drawing. 

He talks about how improvisation in music is exciting and dangerous. You never know what to expect. and it's intriguing to watch someone else do it.

He says "Improvisation is everything. It informs everything: technique, songwriting, it all comes from improvisation."

"There are musical muscles that inform your technique. I believe the improvisational muscle is the most important muscle to develop. and that's why I develop it every day. It's about capturing something in the moment. everything in music is so thought out these days. And that's fine, but it makes things predictable. Great improvisors are exciting and dangerous because you don't know what to expect. And as an improvisor you don't know what you're going to do next."

So that really got me thinking. An improvisational practice like automatic drawing seems like more than just a fun little technique. It feels crucial for maintaining the energy and excitement of coming up with new ideas. "Catching something in the moment," as Hammett puts it. 

Especially because I've been doing so much more controlled and planned out work lately.

I might make a separate video about improvisation in art at some point because automatic drawing isn't the only way to improvise. But We'll figure that out lately.

If you just want to watch the drawing and skip my Jibber Jabber, It starts at about 6:20

***I'm trying to remember to label how much I'm speeding up the footage in demos and tutorials like this. I forgot to do it on this one but the speed of the drawing is sped up 600% I think. 


Automatic Drawing Demo (Sort of) - Intro to Drawing Bad Art


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