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I completely forgot about the body switching trident that Clarke tried to use to switch bodies with Landon because at the time it seemed like a one and done episode thing. So kudos to you for actually remembering it

Frank Tremel

The Other Side was just for supernatural beings. Limbo is where Humans and Supernatural wonder. At the beginning there was Peace, Hell, Limbo for Humans and The Other Side for Supernatural. When The Other Side was destroyed, all Supernatural beings went to Hell. After Hell was destroyed it resulted in Limbo being a place where both Humans and the Supernatural wondered until they could make amends and find peace. The Other Side never offered that to the Supernatual community, but Limbo does.

James jackson

It is getting to the point where this shows writing is becoming disrespectful to the characters of the greater TVD universe and I understand actor availability actor interest and covid restrictions are playing a big part but Damon is Alaric's best friend and he just seemingly has no interest in the welfare of his kids after he got beaten into a coma in the street and DOCTOR Elena Salvatore has not been mentioned either despite Ric being there for the Gilbert's after Jenna died. Jeremy was confirmed to work for Ric season 1 and he hasn't been mentioned since. And then there is the everlasting disrespect shown to Bonnie. These legacy characters could easily be used as the informational wells that drive the story forward and make everything feel more connected. Also this is still legally a school right? Because the headmaster's office has become the drinking den for teenagers.


Really good reaction. I can understand your frustration with the show. I am really enjoying the show this season but am definitely not blind to the flaws of this show. I think for me it has more to do with that I see that the show seems to be heading in the right direction as compared to last season there were a few straight episodes where I really thought of just watching clips of the show and stop watching live. It had become that frustrating. Definitely think going with the Triad specifically Aurora as the villain has been a good choice that helps brings a real threat that Malivore never did. Lots of callbacks to The Originals. Sad that the witch and the wolf were not bigger deals but I wonder if their spot in the Triad goes to someone else. I ask because the witch’s last name was St. Clair so could the next in line to be the witch of the Triad be Davina. Then if the wolf is somehow related to either Jed or Finch it could be interesting. Not sure about the end result of Josie’s therapy box session. It seems more like these last few episodes and this therapy box are trying to tell Josie that she seems to be in love with Hope. Seriously you leave a make out session so you can watch someone else perform surgery. However I do agree with you that I can’t see the writers taking that risk with going with Josie and Hope as an actual couple. That’s why I mentioned last episode that they are tip toeing around Josie’s feelings. They have Josie acting like she feels more then just friendship feelings for Hope but just won’t say it or have her act on it. I also think that the Hope/Josie is just fan misinterpreting things but them giving crumbs without actually going the whole way. Just look the beginning with Lizzie/Ethan/MG. I have seen many people online asking for a ‘throuple’ with them so the show is willing to go with a threesome/throuple in the therapy box I doubt if they will do that in real verse. Hope proves to be the anti-Wesley from The Princess Bride. She could match the skill of the witch, and the strength of the wolf but was no match for the mind of Aurora. If it wasn’t evident after Dark Josie last week, this makes it crystal clear that Hope is vulnerable to mental/psychological attacks. She hasn’t learned anything since the Necromancer played her in season 1. Now it has really serious consequences. Really don’t care about the limbo stuff but I swear two of those SOB’s need to stay dead. Didn’t realize how much I didn’t care about this till I saw a clip of one of the limbo scenes on the CW site being titled the Lim-bros. Don’t care which two but two need to remain dead. Would prefer all three but with this show all three will probably return so am just asking for two.


It will be interesting to see if Aurora and Hope switching bodies forces Hope to have her humanity switch back on since she is no longer in her own body, and to see if Aurora now has her humanity switch off since she's in hopes body. But I think its more likely that switching bodies like that does not affect the humanity switch and Hope will still have it off. Also, definitely see a Josie and Finch breakup happening soon especially with that music that was playing in the background...


1. I think people are giving the writers more credit than they're due... Remember that these are the same writers who at every opportunity write in some special event to open up a door to the prison world and have time and time again "killed off" characters only to bring them back again.. The writing on this show is... Well... Lemme tell ya... Bad 2. There's never gonna be a Hosie.. Not to fall into repeat from 1. ...But the writers don't know how to write a good ship any more... The days of ships like Delena are over.. The only way Hosie would happen if it was done as a total fan service... And that would probably end in a total cringe fest 3. Since I already know she's going to show up in this episode after having checked the video for errors and since people in the comments have already robbed us of the feeling of that reveal.. I wasn't AT ALL shocked by her appearance.. I'm assuming you won't be either.. We'll see I guess 4. Why was Klaus depicted as a doctor? That's so completely random ...added later... Oh ok Josie is for some reason inside Hope's dreamworld or whatever?? I dunno.. Makes no sense... But I guess it give Hosie shippers something fake to cling to 5. You'd think that IF that boat could return you back to the living.. You'd arrive in this limbo place ON a boat too ...Unless it's also a hovercraft.. I don't understand how Ric got to that conclusion 6. Sooooooo... Calling someone else a deadbeat father earns you a coin to the happy place??? ..Aight 7. If only UGHthan could become SUPERINVISIBLE after Lizzie cast that invisique spell.. And then be so invisible he couldn't be seen nor heard again 8. Ofcourse it's her.. We knew this ...Luckily it's Aurora though and she's not at all interesting... But imagine for a moment that for some reason.. The voice of Bonnie was used.. And for some unexplained reason you didn't recognise it... And then some dot dot dot in the comments got through with their speculation.. Imagine how you'd feel having that ruined for you ...An appearance that's designed to make you feel shocked and excited is turned into a dulled down "Ok I saw this coming" moment.. I really think that when it comes to live shows.. People need to keep their speculation to themselves and let you figure things out for yourself ...And that's me really REALLY trying my best to say it in the kindest way possible 9. I honestly thought she was still rotting in a crypt in New Orleans... They took her out and put her in a sleeping spell?? I mean that probably happened on The Originals.. Sure... But she was so uninteresting that I suppose I just blocked that from my memory 10. Did mah gurl just really pull 2 perfectly shaped logs out of those ashes ready to be sharpened into Tribrid stakes? C'mooooonnnn 11. Great... So now we got more Aurora to look forward to ...added later... Yeah same.. I was pretty sure that blade got destroyed before... But I was second guessing myself and also thinking the writers just forgot about that ever happening.. Which you can't really put past them


When the Buffy series ended, did the vampire series help fill the void for you?

Andrew Polinski

I really don't know what the showrunner and writers are thinking when it comes to this show. I usually watch the episode about an hour or so after it has aired and then watch the reactions to it but the last two weeks I have found myself skipping through the Vision box or whatever that stupid plot device is called, i swear it's just so the cast can play dressup. Every week I say please it, for the love of god get rid of Ethan, and omg can they please give MG some f@#king balls sick of the wishy washy crap he talks about, he just comes across as a pansy little bitch, pardon the french.


Hey Shan! Love the reactions. Legacies this season has been bumpy. I really only care about Hope's storyline so when I usually watch the episode, I fast forward through the Alaric and Landon stuff (WHY THE FUCK IS ALARIC NOT DEAD? I feel cheated out of the emotional resonance of the Lizzie and Alaric scene in 4x5) and the weird Saltzman twin alternate reality(?) stuff. Honestly, I have no idea what was going on in the western and later medical drama scenes (If I wanted to watch a medical drama, I'd watch Greys Anatomy not Legacies). The Cleo stuff is mildly interesting but I just want them to stop faking out her telling people, I was so relieved when she told Lizzie. Ethan is just so damn boring, I liked Maya better. Finch is just meh, I truly don't care, Penelope and Jade were more interesting. I feel like Josie works better with a "bad girl" type love interest and Finch just isn't that. Also, was that the dead bitch Daina's mom in the purgatory scenes? I think I missed something there. Weird little trivia fact, Daina's actress played the blonde cheerleader Elena feeds on and steals the hair ribbon from in TVD 4x16 aka Bring it On. Something that really bother me in Legacies (besides the erasure of Hope's aunts and uncles) is the fact that they ignore that Hayley raised Hope for nearly 15 years (taking out time raised by Bex and Hayley being cursed). Hope isn't just Klaus' child, she's Hayley's too. I'm generally just pissed about it. I wonder if it's in retaliation for Phoebe Tonkin not giving Legacies the rights to use her image hence them cropping her out of the family photos when we see them. And the fact that the necklace Hope rejects and gives to Rebekah in 4x5 is the one Hayley wore and Hope started wearing it after Hayley's funeral. I was thrilled that Aurora came back (and I hated Aurora in s3 but she's far more interesting than the damn Necromancer), I hope she sticks around for a little while and I really want Hope to avenge Cami by killing her at the end. Sidenote- In a recent convention interview, Riley Voelkel (Freya) stated that there was a storyline tossed about for Freya to become a vampire but it ended up being given to Cami. I just found that interesting. I'm sorry this was so long. I just have many, many, many thoughts.