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This was part of an Arrowverse week!

Arrow 8x07 is next for today!



Brandon Wiesner

You're not wrong in that this episode was a quasi-season finale. They defeated Ramsey and set the stage for Crisis, which was the mid-season finale for Flash, Supergirl and Batwoman. For Arrow, the were only 2 eps left after Crisis and Legends' season started right after it. Now just 2 arrowverse eps left, squee!

Luis Garcia

I've been getting more and more excited as we've gone through the week. Even just seeing the red skies has me very excited.

James jackson

This episodes zombies seemed to hit you harder than all of Izombie season 1. It was weird the normally hyper logical and skeptical nash wells sees glowing purple lights save him and rather than check in with the heros he knows thought "the god i want to kill must have saved me"

Reece Hart

I really loved the makeup for this season. The Bloodwork black goop and vein effect looks so good

Jordan St. James

I think the Babel Protocol is meant to be a reference to the Justice League comic storyline, The Tower of Babel, in which it was revealed that Batman kept files on all the Justice League members, including their weaknesses and possible countermeasures to be used against them in case any of them ever turned dark or became subject to mind control by villains, just like how in this episode, Cisco has the Babel Protocol as a failsafe in case Barry went to the dark side.

Jordan St. James

You'd think that after the giant wormholes, the army of invading super-crazies (of which Laurel was counted, I remind you), the massive lightning storms, the IQ-sucking satellite and now the mob of blood cancer zombies, the people of Central City would just move far, far away.

Jordan St. James

You know, Mr. Ramon, if you had... oh, I dunno, superpowers, you probably could've stopped Iris from making such a rash and stupid decision near the beginning. I guess he's just fan of those kinda choices. Go figure.

Jordan St. James

Honestly, it would've made Suresh a much cooler villain if he really was just manipulating Iris and Cisco into letting him into Star Labs by making it seem like Barry was resisting. But I guess they needed to wrap things up quickly ahead of Crisis. Shame.

Jordan St. James

Where the hell did Iris get that gun to shoot Suresh with? I had to rewind that scene and she was clearly just standing there in the background, no weapon in sight, when Suresh was monologuing Barry back under his control.

Jordan St. James

Ladies and gentlemen, After Show Reactions presents... Flash: Zompocalypse - The Shan Reacts Halloween Special.

Jordan St. James

Ok, that whole thing with Nash, is it just me or did any of that seem kind of familiar? He was in a cave with weird symbols on the wall that glowed and opened a door releasing a shower of light. Was the voice of Terence Stamp going to start speaking?


Should've rewound better, should've looked harder. When Barry speed brings her and Cisco, the gun flops right to her feet, and stays there, until she picks it up. Seems like she was alrady holding it and dropped it when Barry grabbed her by the throat)


Very good episode. Not as good as last one in my opinion, but still very good. These two would've made a great 2-part season finale. Cecile and Kamilla scene was almost a one-shot, it broke two times when throwing the stapler, maybe someone goofed or the shot didn't look great, but it was a good scene. Creepily shot. This whole episode was shot very well. Close ups on faces and behind-the-back shots of Barry and Ramsey walking the corridors of STAR LABS. I liked it. Nash didn't know about what Team Flash was doing, so he thought that in was the Monitor who saved him. And he submitted as the voice asked. Also voice said the knowledge is whitin you, so either Nash just knew what to press from his adventures or the knowledge was just bestowed upon him, so he could do it right) The last scene with just Barry and his family talking, was great. They almost sold me on believing that they are killing Barry in Crisis for real, when I was first watching!!!

Zach Hershman

My only issue with this 2 episode arc is that we knew it would only last 2 episodes. We knew Barry couldn't stay controlled past this episode. I'm fine with it only lasting 2 episodes, but it would have been better if it was earlier in the season. That way it would at least make us wonder how long it would last.

David Brown

I always interpreted Nora disappearing in the Season 5 finale as Crisis being moved up to a time before she was conceived, even if Barry and Iris started trying it would end up being a different sperm and egg = a different person.