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David Brown

With the game you described that involves lying, also involves a fictional killing (at least I hope the killing is fictional). And killing other people is also one of the bad things people wouldn't do anymore (even thinking about killing). The actress who plays Eve was quite pregnant at the time. She was already pregnant toward the end of last season, she just wasn't showing yet. The break between seasons gave her more time to start showing. She gave birth to her daughter on November 30, 2019. Her baby came BEFORE Melissa's, who was born September 25, 2020.

Brandon Wiesner

I think J'onn's father locked his other son away because he didn't want him to face punishment from their people. In his mind at the time, it was better to hide the problem and keep it oppressed rather than try to fix it. It's akin to putting your child in a basket down the river. It's never a good parenting strategy but we keep seeing the trope pop up in stories time and time again.


Andrea Brooks was pregers and I remember a journalist asking either her or the writers\showrunners after season 4 finished, about integrating her real life pregnancy into the show. As in - it's Lex's baby!!! But it was opted not to do it at all. And on one hand, I'm kinda glad, 'cause shows do that too much with pregnant actresses and it's almost never organically fits the story('cause it wasn't planned)........but on the other hand, I kinda would've liked to see how a baby would change the shows dynamic, what would auntie Lena do with Eve and the baby? What would grandma Lillian do with a new potential heir to the Luthor name and legacy?! Sean Astin was random, but I'm always happy to see my favourite hobbit))) Lena is a jerk......I hate how she treats Kara, it makes me so upset((( P.S. You were quoting Malachai Parker(@Cobrakai1972). Could you imagine if Chris Wood shows up as Kai(Mon-El doppelganger from Earth-TVD) and starts killing of the cast members.......this show might not be as boring as it is now)))

Andrew Polinski

Ok lets address the spiderwebs, in terms of strength to thickness, a spiderweb is stronger than steel, so what i mean is if a strand of steel was the same thickness as a spiderweb then it would break way before a spiderweb would, almost double the strength. So scaling up the spiderweb to be from a human being sized person then you could just imagine how strong that would be. This is just one strand of spiderweb by the way, and Kara was wrapped up in at least 2 dozen.

Avalon Perry

Since you mentioned it previously, there are some examples of queer baiting in this episode I thought i’d point out. First of all the fact the Kara flew to three different countries across the world just to get Lena’s exact favorite foods, that doesn’t seem like a friend thing to me. Then, during the scene when Kara brings Lena the journals, a song called “You Mean the World to Me” is playing in the background. Then there’s the “I hope we haven’t crossed any boundaries.” “For a friend like you there are no boundaries.” And all I’m saying is NO boundaries? A friendship with no boundaries doesn’t really seem like a friendship to me. Then the last thing is when Kara and Alex are talking and Alex says something about being worried about her and Kelly and Kara says, something like, “I’m sure it’ll be fine, It worked out with me and Lena” Effectively comparing a canonically non-romantic “friendship” to a canonically romantic relationship. I think that’s about it for this episode in particular, and you can take it as you will. No one has to ship anyone, and I respect everyone’s opinions :)